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Event ID: 8749 Book: Pitiquito B2 Page Number: 36v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 04/03/1779 Event Place: Caborca
Manuel, Nijora adulto
En el Pueblo de la Purísima Concepción de Caborca en tres días del mes de abril del año del Señor de mil setcientos setenta y nueve, el Reverendo Padre Fraile Francisco Garces, Misionero Apostólico de la regular observada de Nuestro Padre San Francisco, bautizó solemnemente a un muchacho como de doce años de nacion Nijora, hallandose suficentemente instruida, a quien puso por nombre Manuel, y residia en el Pueblo de Pitiqui. Fue su padrino José Siari Maloki, Indio Pima del Pitiqui, a quien adverti su obligación y el parentesco espiritual. Para que conste lo firmo.
Fraile Francisco Garces (rúbrica)
Fraile José Mathias Moreno (rúbrica), Ministro de dicho Pueblo por Su Majestad

Manuel, adult Nijora
In the Town of La Purísima Concepción de Caborca on the 3rd day of the month of April in the year of the Lord 1779, the Reverend Father Friar Francisco Garces, Apostolic Missionary of the religious ritual of Our Father San Francisco, solemnly baptized a boy of about twelve years of age of the Nijora nation, who was determined to be sufficiently instructed, and to whom the name Manuel was given. He resides in the Village of Pitiqui. His godfather was José Siari Maloki, Indio Pima del Pitiqui, who was advised of his obligation and spiritual relationship, in certification of which I sign.
Friar Francisco Garces (rubric)
Friar José Mathias Moreno (rubric), Minister for His Majesty of the said town
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 4813 Given Name: José Matias Surname: Moreno Relationship: Recording Priest
Personal ID: 4959 Given Name: Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo Surname: Garces Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 24306 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24307 Given Name: José Surname: Siari Maloki Relationship: Godfather
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