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Event ID: 8748 Book: Pitiquito B2 Page Number: 36v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 04/03/1779 Event Place: Pitiquito
María Ignacia, Nijora adulta
En el Pueblo de la Purísima Concepción de Caborca en tres días del mes de abril del año del Señor de mil setcientos setenta y nueve, el Reverendo Padre Fraile Francisco Garces, Predicador Apostólico, bautizó solemnemente con permiso de mi, el infrascrito ministro de dicha misión, a una India Nijora de edad como diez y seis años residente en el Pueblo de Pitiqui, estando suficentemente instruida, a la cual puso por nombre María Ignacia. Fueron su madrina Madalena Tonorim ubi, India Pima del Pueblo de Pitiqui, casada con José Siari matohi, a quiene advertí su obligación y parentesco espiritual que habia contraido, para que conste lo firmo.
Fraile Francisco Garces (rúbrica)
Fraile José Mathias Moreno (rúbrica), Ministro de dicho Pueblo por Su Majestad

María Ignacia, adult Nijora
In the Town of La Purísima Concepción de Caborca on the 3rd day of the month of april in the year of the Lord of 1779, the Reverend Father Friar Francisco Garces, Apostolic Preacher, with permission from me, the undersigned minister of the said mission, solemnly baptized a Nijora Indian of the age of about sixteen years, who lives in the Village of Pitiqui. She, being sufficiently instructed, was given the María Ignacia. Her godmother was Madalena Tonorim ubi, a Pima Indian of the Village of Pitiqui, married to José Siari matohi. She was advised of her obligation and spiritual relationship she had contracted, in certification of which I sign.
Friar Francisco Garces (rubric)
Friar José Mathias Moreno (rubric), Minister for His Majesty of the said town
Event Relationship [5 Records]

Personal ID: 4813 Given Name: José Matias Surname: Moreno Relationship: Recording Priest
Personal ID: 4959 Given Name: Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo Surname: Garces Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 24303 Given Name: María Ignacia Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24304 Given Name: Magdalena Surname: Tonorimubi Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 24305 Given Name: José Surname: Siarimatohi Relationship: Husband of the godmother
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