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Credit Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
Event ID: 8601 Book: Pitiquito M4 Page Number: 184v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 12/22/1776 Event Place: Pitiquito
Juan Antonio, Pima, con Lucia, Nijora
En este Pueblo de San Diego del Pitiqui en veinte y dos días del mes de diciembre de mil setecientos setenta y seis años, hechas las debidas diligencias, y no resultando impedimento, yo, el infraescrito ministro assistí al matrimonio que contrajó infacie eclesie, y segun dispone el tridento, Juan Antonio, hijo de Josef Tactonori, Indio del Pueblo de Pitiqui, con Lucia, Nijora, viuda de Lorenco digo de Ciprian, avecindada en dicho pueblo. Fueron testigos Manuel, Alcalde, y Joseph, Mador, y todo el pueblo, y para que conste lo firmé dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fraile Joseph Moreno (rúbrica)

Juan Antonio, Pima, and Lucia, Nijora
In this village of San Diego of Pitiqui on the 22nd day of the month of December of 1776, the necessary notices having been published with no resulting impediment, I, the undersigned minister, performed a wedding that was done in church ceremony in accordance with the [Council of] Trent, of Juan Antonio, son of Josef Tactonori, an Indian of the Village of Pitiqui, and Lucia, a Nijora, widow of Lorenzo, I mean to say of Ciprian, a resident of the same village. Witnesses were Manuel, the Alcalde, and Joseph,the Mador, and the entire village, in certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year as above.
Friar Joseph Moreno (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 4813 Given Name: José Matias Surname: Moreno Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23944 Given Name: José Surname: Tactonori Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 23945 Given Name: Lucía Surname: Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 23946 Given Name: Ciprian Surname: Relationship: Former husband of the bride
Personal ID: 23947 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Tactonori Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 23948 Given Name: José Surname: Siar Otam Relationship: Witness
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