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A woman holds up a painting of a native American man in front of a group of people sitting down.
Sue King, one of Agate Fossil Beds Artists In Residence, gives a program for a group of visitors.

Artist In Residence Program

Artists from around the country can apply to stay for two weeks in the park. Artists produce a park-specific product for Agate Fossil Beds, as well as provide one demonstration for the park visitors.

Woman stands in front of a flat, painted elk hide hung on a wooden frame & mounted to the wall. 5 spirals of fist-sized pictures appear on the hide.
Dawn Little Sky stands in front of her Winter Count that hangs at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument.

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Cultural Demonstrators Program

Artists with American Indian heritage can apply to demonstrate and sell their artwork for a full day during the summer.

Man with short gray hair and wire-rimmed glasses sits behind a low desk and shines a big smile at us. A flyer with Agate fossils rests on the desk.
Seasonal Ranger Mike greets visitors at the front desk.

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Seasonal Staff

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument hires seasonal staff to work during the summer. You could be hired on to work the front desk in the visitor center, support the landscape and construction efforts across the park, or even complete a special project behind the scenes.

2 people lean over near the posts of a wooden sign. They paint the posts while wearing gloves. A small gator vehicle waits near them.
Volunteers help the maintenance staff with several painting tasks.

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Volunteer Program

Volunteers are an important part of the National Park Service! Can you can give us your time and talent for several months or for a few hours? Either way, we'd love for you to share your energy with our park!

Logos for Youth Conservation Corp; Mosaics in Science; National Park Service, and Pathways.
Logos from some of the NPS Internship programs.

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The National Park Service works with several contracting agencies to support youth (ages 18-30) working in our parks. Programs such as Youth Conservation Corps, Scientists in Parks, Mosaics in Science, Pathways, 21st Century Conservation Service Corps are just a few of the programs that work with the NPS and Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. (Note: Veterans can be up to 35 years of age to qualify for these programs.)

Last updated: March 18, 2024

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301 River Road
Harrison, NE 69346


308 665-4113

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