
White Sands is a living laboratory. Why a laboratory? Because new discoveries are being made here all the time! From our unique wildlife to our fascinating geology, there are many opportunities for your students to learn. You are welcome to bring your class to the park.
A form with boxes to check and a pen

NPS Photo

Academic Fee Waiver

Are you considering bringing your students to White Sands to use the dunes as an outdoor classroom? If so, please download and complete an academic fee waiver. Certain requirements must be met and waivers must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your anticipated trip day.
Two individuals standing in front of a group of children

NPS Photo

Parks as Classrooms

Would you like to download material for use as part of your curriculum? White Sands offers this to help you create educational opportunities for your classroom and for yourself!
A bus parked on white sand under blue sky

NPS Photo

Plan a Field Trip

Plan a field trip for a self-guided program.

Last updated: September 20, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1086
Holloman AFB, NM 88330


575 479-6124

Contact Us
