

Become a VIP (Volunteer-in-Parks)!

White Sands offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, welcoming people from all over. Positions can range from working in the visitor center to assisting staff in various maintenance or natural resource projects. Volunteering at White Sands National Park is a great way to support your national parks and help us serve the visitor and protect this amazing resource!

White Sands National Park has a vibrant volunteer program, with more than 50 volunteers donating 10,000 hours each year. We hope you will consider joining our great team and become a VIP today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about volunteering at White Sands? This page may help answer your questions.

A computer mouse arrow pointing to text reading “volunteer.gov”

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Current Volunteer Opportunities

Current open volunteer positions are listed on this page. These links will take you to Volunteer.gov, where you can fill out the online application. Once your application is received, the volunteer coordinator will contact you.
A volunteer smiles

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VIP Share Their Experiences

Volunteers have a variety of experiences at White Sands National Park. Read about a few of these experiences:

From Mountains to Deserts
VIP Mike Doyal shares his experience as a volunteer interpretive ranger at White Sands National Monument.

Want to be a VIP?
Do you enjoy travel, exploring, learning, and connecting with special places? VIP Sandra Noll highlights her experience as a volunteer at White Sands and other national parks.

Lost and Found in the Grand Canyon
Read about VIP Ron McNeel's experience in the national parks and his thoughts on what it means to Find Your Park.

Last updated: January 2, 2020

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1086
Holloman AFB, NM 88330


575 479-6124

Contact Us
