Around the Horn Blog

Aerial View of Maritime Park
An aerial view of all of San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park showing Hyde Street Pier and historic ships, scow schooner Alma, the Small Boat Dock, tugboat Hercules, ferryboat Eureka, tall ship Balclutha, paddle wheel tugboat Eppleton Hall, and schooner C. A. Thayer. The aerial photo also shows other areas of the park including the Visitor Center and Argonaut Hotel in the old Delmonte Cannery, Victorian Park, and the Aquatic Park Bathhouse and Cove.



About This Blog

Through Around the Horn, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park hopes to keep visitors informed on projects that might impact their voyage and enlightened by stories from our past. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey!

Two of Hyde Street's Best-Kept Secrets

September 12, 2019 Posted by: Erin Conner

A century ago, Harry Dring was born. If you’ve never heard of him, you can be forgiven, but without him and his close friend Karl Kortum, there would be no historic vessels at Hyde Street Pier.


Women Sailors of the 1930s: Annette Brock Davis

March 12, 2019 Posted by: Erin Rose Conner

Have you ever heard the old saying, “A woman aboard ship is bad luck?” Back in the 1930s, that was one of the things Annette Brock Davis was told when she decided to set sail aboard a training ship. Luckily for us, she didn’t listen—and she wrote down her adventures where we can all read about them.


Monthly Chantey Sing Brings Maritime History to Life

February 05, 2019 Posted by: Peter Kasin

The park’s monthly Chantey Sing has become a San Francisco tradition, where enthusiasts have gathered aboard floating vessels at Hyde Street Pier to share in the joys of group singing and in keeping maritime history alive through its historical songs. Founded by Park Ranger Dave Nettell in 1981, the Chantey Sing is entering its 38th year, the longest-running singalong of its kind in the country.


Reflection: Festival Of The Sea Brings International Maritime History To Life

September 07, 2018 Posted by: Peter Kasin

Since 1979, National Park Service sponsored Hyde Street Pier festivals have brought to life our shared maritime heritage. Whether it is the “Sea Music Festival” or “Festival of the Sea,” each event features music, dance, maritime arts, shipboard demonstrations, and many more family-friendly events.


A Hidden Victorian Wonderland: The Engine Room of the Ferryboat Eureka (Part 2 of 2)

September 07, 2018 Posted by: Christopher Edwards

Having discovered how steam power was generated on the ferryboat Eureka in our previous post, we now continue our trek through the engine room to explore how this power was used transport people back and forth across the bay.


A Hidden Victorian Wonderland: The Engine Room of the Ferryboat Eureka (Part 1 of 2)

August 20, 2018 Posted by: Christopher Edwards

A Hidden Victorian Wonderland: The Engine Room of the Ferryboat Eureka (Part 1 of 2)


Last updated: December 10, 2020

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