Park and Historic Preservation Laws

The 2006 edition of Federal Historic Preservation Laws includes 24 Federal laws and portions of laws that pertain to the preservation of the Nation's cultural heritage. Arranged chronologically, the laws trace the evolution of historic preservation and cultural resource management philosophy from the Antiquities Act of 1906 through the Sunken Military Craft Act of 2004.

The laws laid the foundation for the National Park Service as the lead Federal preservation agency and for the national historic preservation partnership that includes NPS, other Federal agencies, Tribal Preservation Offices, State Historic Preservation Offices, Certified Local Governments, and private organizations. The publication includes changes to the laws through December 2005.


Please note: The citations in this book are no longer up-to-date. We have retained this edition online for its historic value, and for the plain-language context that it provides about these laws.

Please consult our webpage about Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders at for up-to-date citations and links to the current text of Federal historic preservation laws.

Each section listed below opens in a separate pdf.

The complete 2006 Federal Historic Preservation Laws book is also available as a pdf (1.7 MB)

Laws Listed Chronologically