News Release

Public Comment Invited on Proposed Housing Replacement Project

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Date: April 4, 2022
Contact: Kelly Taylor, 361-949-8173 ext. 427

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX — The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking input regarding a proposed housing replacement project at Padre Island National Seashore (the park). This project will demolish and remove one obsolete trailer and one obsolete modular home in an area south of the park’s Visitor Center. The project will replace the obsolete units with new housing units in the same area.

As required by Executive Order 11988, "Floodplain Management" and Director's Order 77-2: Floodplain Management, the park has prepared a Floodplain Statement of Findings. It is NPS policy to preserve floodplain values and to minimize potentially hazardous conditions associated with flooding. This statement of findings describes the proposed project, project site, floodplain determination, use of floodplain, investigation of alternatives, flood risks, and mitigation for the continued use of facilities within the floodplain.

The public can formally comment on the project during the statement of findings public review period from Monday, April 4, through Friday, April 22. A copy of the document is available and written comments may be submitted at

Commenters should be aware that their entire comment, including personal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. While commenters may ask that their identifying information be withheld from public view, the NPS cannot guarantee that this will be possible.

Last updated: April 4, 2022

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