News Release

Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve Seeks Comments on Proposed Fire Management Plan Update

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Date: March 16, 2022
Contact: Superintendent, 541-592-2100 x2221

Cave Junction, Oregon – The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comment on a project to update the Fire Management Plan (FMP) for the Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve (ORCA). The updated FMP will conform with current NPS policy; identify and prioritize mechanical and prescribed fire treatments; and promote a fire management strategy based on natural ecological processes and conditions characteristic of park ecosystems. To comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and NPS policy, the proposed updated FMP will be evaluated through an Environmental Assessment (EA). The plan will identify issues and concerns and present a reasonable range of management alternatives for public review. The EA will also analyze the environmental consequences of each of the alternatives, and can be used to identify a preferred alternative, which will then become the final plan. At the end of the EA process, the NPS anticipates issuing a “Finding of No Significant Impact” which is the document that finalizes the decision on the FMP.The initial three alternatives to be considered in the EA include:

  • No action, fire management would include ongoing wildland fire suppression.
  • Fire management that would include wildland fire suppression, manual fuels reduction, pile burning, and broadcast prescribe fire.
  • Fire management and forest resiliency treatments that would include wildland fire suppression; manual and mechanical fuels reduction; pile and broadcast prescribe fire; mechanical fuels reduction (potentially involving masticators, processors, forwarders, feller bunchers skidders, and other equipment).
As a first step, the NPS is holding a public “Zoom” meeting to present the project background, describe potential alternatives, and answer audience questions. The online meeting will be hosted by the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce on April 5, 2022, between 2 and 4 pm Pacific Time.  Access instructions to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the NPS Planning Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website at This website can also be used to enter comments you have regarding the proposed FMP update.The civic engagement period is open now through April 15, 2022. Although submitting comments through the project PEPC website is preferred, comments may also be mailed to:Oregon Caves National Monument & PreserveAttn: Fire Management Plan Update19000 Caves HwyCave Junction, OR 97523Comments submitted by mail should be postmarked no later than April 15, 2022. That National Park Service values your interest and we look forward to your participation in this project. Should you require assistance to submit your comments, please reach out to park staff via email at or by calling (541) 592-2100 ext. 2221.

Last updated: March 16, 2022

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19000 Caves Hwy
Cave Junction, OR 97523


541 592-2100

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