Frequently Asked Questions

  • When was the monument created?

Navajo National Monument (NM)was established by President Taft in 1909.

  • Why was the monument created?

Navajo NM was established to preserve three specific outstanding 13th century cliff dwellings in Northern Arizona.

  • How can I visit the cliff dwellings?

Betatakin and Keet Seel can only be visited on foot with National Park Service staff. Hikes to Betatakin are offered from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Keet Seel hikes are unavailable at this time. Inscription House is closed to visitors.

  • Why is Inscription House closed?

Although limited visitation takes place at Betatakin, visitation damage to the extremely fragile Inscription House cannot be mitigated. It has remained closed since 1968.

  • What are the fees to visit?

There are NO fees for camping and park entrance. Guided tours and backcountry permits are also free. Donations are graciously accepted.

  • What is the size limit for RV’s in the campgrounds?

RVs cannot exceed 28 feet in length.

  • What time zone does the monument follow?

Navajo National Monument is located on the Navajo Nation and follows the Mountain Daylight hours when applicable. From March through November, the Navajo Nation observes Mountain Daylight Savings Time when local time will be the same as Colorado, New Mexicio and Utah.

Last updated: August 5, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 7717
Shonto, AZ 86054


928 672-2700
Navajo National Monument Visitor Center Office Contact

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