
Missouri National Recreational River (MNRR) was established by Congress to protect the natural, cultural, and recreational resources of two remaining free-flowing segments of the Missouri River in as natural a state as possible and to keep them available for the public, now and in the future. The park was established under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act with an amended mandate, hence the name Recreational in lieu of the "Wild" and/or "Scenic" terms in the park's name. The park was established by two distinct pieces of legislation more than a decade apart.

  • In 1978 - Congress designated the 59 mile reach of the MNRR stretching from about one mile below Gavins Point Dam to Nebraska's Ponca State Park.
  • In 1991 - Congress designated the 39 mile reach of the MNRR which begins immediately downstream from Fort Randall Dam at Pickstown, South Dakota, and continues to Running Water, South Dakota. This section also consists of the lower 20 miles of the Niobrara River and 8 miles of Verdigre Creek.

Management of the Park
The Superintendent and park staff work to preserve, protect, interpret, restore, and enhance the Recreational River's exceptional natural and cultural resources for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

The Acts of Congress that created Missouri National Recreational River are called enabling legislation. The features that make this park uniquely qualified as a unit of the National Park Service are called Outstandingly Remarkable Values (ORVs).

Park managers work with local communities, state and federal agencies, tribal authorities, the general public and numerous other partners to ensure that visitors can experience this incredibly diverse and dynamic landscape.

How to Use This Section
This section is where you will find a broad range of information related to the management of Missouri National Recreational River. These include:

If you don't find what you are looking for here, please use the ask us to request other information or reference materials.

Last updated: September 10, 2021

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Mailing Address:

508 East 2nd Street
Yankton, SD 57078


605-665-0209 x21

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