People of the Manhattan Project

Several men and women seated at outdoor desks with military personnel looking on.
Workers sign up at Oak Ridge in 1944.


A black and white photo of a black man in a white t-shirt and dark jeans holding a baseball glove an
African Americans

Learn about African Americans who played an integral role in the Manhattan Project.

A black and white photo of destroyed buildings as two people walk along the road.
Atomic Bomb Survivors

Learn about the people impacted by the atomic bombings of Japan.

A black and white image of a man in a light-colored shirt and dark pants with a wide-brimmed hat sit

Learn about people who lived near nuclear test and production sites.

A black and white image of a man standing in front of a rounded hut.

Learn about the Hispanics that were impacted by the creation of the Manhattan Project.

A black and white image of three men in suits sitting standing on a stage draped with a flag.

Meet the civilian, political, and military leaders who influenced the trajectory of the Manhattan Project.

A black and white photo of a man in a white coat next to equipment.
Scientists & Engineers

Learn about the scientists and engineers who launched the atomic age.

A black and white image of a lady with short black hair holding a baby in front of a couple. 
Tribal Nations

Learn about the Tribal nations that have connections to Hanford, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge.

A black and white image of three woman in uniforms standing side-by-side.

Learn about the women who played a key role in the Manhattan Project.

A black and white image of a woman in goggles and gloves welding.

Learn about workers from all different backgrounds who formed the backbone of the Manhattan Project.



People by Park Location

A black and white photo of three workers in front of smoke stacks.

Meet the people of Hanford from those who pre-date the Manhattan Project to those who became intertwined with its legacies.

A black and white photo of a man near a sphere.
Los Alamos

Discover the people of Los Alamos from civilians to the military to the locals who were drawn into the orbit of the Manhattan Project.

A black and white photo of three women in nurse's uniforms.
Oak Ridge

Learn about the people of Oak Ridge from the Calutron girls to those who helped build a secret city seemingly overnight.


Last updated: February 21, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Manhattan Project National Historical Park
c/o NPS Intermountain Regional Office
P.O. Box 25287

Denver, CO 80225-0287


Hanford: 509.376.1647
Los Alamos: 505.661.6277
Oak Ridge: 865.482.1942

Contact Us
