Lassen Volcanic National Park Celebrates National Public Lands Day as a Fee Free Day

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Date: September 22, 2006
Contact: Mary Martin, 530-595-4444 x5101

This year Lassen Volcanic National Park will celebrate the annual interagency Fee Free Day on Saturday, September 30.  National Public Lands Day is scheduled for the last Saturday in September each year.  “This interagency fee free day is a partnership effort by all federal public land agencies to encourage the American public to explore and enjoy their public lands,” stated Park Superintendent Mary G. Martin.  “We hope that people plan to visit Lassen Volcanic National Park during this beautiful time of year.”

As visitors arrive in the park, they will be greeted at the entrance gate by members of the Lassen Association who will provide information about the park, offer opportunities to purchase a hiking map, and give more information about their organization.  The Lassen Association is an important partner of Lassen Volcanic National Park as a non profit organization that provides a wide variety of books and educational materials for visitors to purchase.  Donations made by the Lassen Association help fund the park newspaper and support the park’s interpretive programs and services.

All park entrance fees, including commercial tour entrance fees and transportation entrance fees, will be waived September 30.  User fees such as campground fees will not be waived.

For more information, please contact the park at (530) 595-4444 or for TDD at (530)595-3480, Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or visit the park website at

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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