Fishing Regulations

Lassen Volcanic National Park allow fishing as a means of providing for public enjoyment, and customary and traditional use, and regulates fishing to ensure that it is managed in a manner that avoids unacceptable impacts to park resources.   

For more information on how fishing regulations work in national parks, go to the NPS Fish and Fishing website.



A valid California fishing license is required to fish in the park. Children under 16 years of age do not require a license. California offers two free fishing days per year. Licenses are valid January 1 through December 31; fees vary. Licenses cannot be purchased in the park. Purchase a license online at or at select locations around the park. View a list of license agents here.


Lassen Volcanic Regulations

California fishing regulations apply to all areas within the park. The following park-specific fishing regulations are listed in the Superintendent's Compendium § 2.3.


Only non-power watercraft may be used on park lakes. View additional boating information and regulations.

Areas Closed to Fishing

Closures are intended to protect fish spawning habitat, provide for visitor safety, and reduce user conflicts at the boat launch areas.

  • Manzanita Lake shore from the boat launch northwest to 150 feet west of the present inlet and 150 feet at the apex of a radius from the center of the inlet
  • Butte Lake boat launch
  • Juniper Lake boat launch
  • Manzanita Creek above Manzanita Lake

Manzanita Lake Special Regulations

  • Manzanita Lake is catch and release only.
  • Artificial lures with a single barbless hook only.

Artificial Lure is defined as: Any manufactured or man-made non-scented/ flavored (regardless if scent is added in the manufacturing process or added afterwards) device complete with hooks, intended to attract fish. Artificial lures include, but are not limited to; spoons, spinners, artificial flies, and plugs, made of metal, plastic, wood, or other non-edible materials.


Additional Regulations

Except as provided below, fishing shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of California.

The fishing regulations apply to all “finfish” found in the park. Other taxa, including amphibians, mollusks and crustaceans (e.g. waterdogs, crayfish) are not considered “fish” for the purpose of NPS fishing regulations and addressed by NPS regulations governing “wild life” (36CFR2.2).

The following are prohibited:

  • Fishing in fresh waters in any manner other than by hook and line, with the rod or line being closely attended.

  • Possessing or using as bait for fishing in freshwaters: live or dead minnows or other bait fish, amphibians, non-preserved fish eggs or fish roe, except in designated waters.

  • Chumming or placing preserved or fresh fish eggs, fish roe, food, fish parts, chemicals, or other foreign substances in fresh waters for the purpose of feeding or attracting fish in order that they may be taken.

  • Commercial fishing, except where specifically authorized by Federal statutory law.

  • Fishing by the use of drugs, poisons, explosives, or electricity.

  • Digging for bait, except in privately owned lands.

  • Failing to return carefully and immediately to the water from which it was taken a fish that does not meet size or species restrictions or that the person chooses not to keep. Fish so released shall not be included in the catch or possession limit: Provided, that at the time of catching the person did not possess the legal limit of fish.

  • Fishing from motor road bridges, from or within 200 feet of a public raft or float designated for water sports, or within the limits of locations designated as swimming beaches, surfing areas, or public boat docks, except in designated areas.

  • Introducing wildlife, fish or plants, including their reproductive bodies, into a park area ecosystem. This includes the discarding and/or dumping of bait and bait buckets.

  • The use or possession of fish, wildlife or plants for ceremonial or religious purposes, except where specifically authorized by Federal statutory law, or treaty rights.

Last updated: February 14, 2022

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530 595-4480

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