News Release

Skagway Interagency Bear Team to Host Community Program April 26

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Date: April 5, 2018
Contact: Jami Belt, 907-983-9228

Skagway – Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in partnership with the Skagway Police Department (SPD), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), and Parks Canada will host a community bear presentation on Thursday, April 26 at 5:00pm at the Skagway Traditional Council.

The program will include an hour presentation on several bear topics of interest to the community, hands-on demonstrations, and a half-hour question and answer session with agency contacts.
Presentation topics include:

  • bear biology
  • preventing bear encounters and food conditioning
  • how to report bear sightings and concerns
  • electric fencing resources from the state of Alaska, SPD, National Park Service, and Parks Canada
“This is a great time to learn not just the bear facts, but how we can stay safe while keeping bears wild,” said Chief Ranger Tim Steidel.

The April community program is part of a proactive strategy developed by the Skagway Interagency Bear Team including enhanced partner training, public presentations to increase awareness, and ongoing planning. Community presentations, along with the ongoing collaboration among the park, SPD, ADF&G, and Parks Canada, help ensure that response personnel and the public are working together to protect wildlife and the visiting public in bear country.

Last updated: April 6, 2018

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Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
P.O. Box 517

Skagway, AK 99840


907 983-9200

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