Museum Collections

Color photo of a row of gray shelves holding various museum collection artifacts
One of the park's museum storage facilities.

NPS photo

color photo of a shallow gray storage drawer holding open topped white boxes lined with white protective padding holding various small artifacts

NPS/Tegan Urbanski

Helping Preserve History

Sometimes the museum's impact is obvious. Tour through one of our museum spaces and it clear that the museum program was involved in the displays. But the collection's influence can be subtle as well. Have you ever visited a park and seen a maintenance team working on historic buildings? Before rehabilitation work begins we need information about the buildings. They may need architectural drawings, soil samples, archeological reports, or original paint samples. Where do they go to find this information? The museum program archives.


Serving the Public

Sometimes the park receives an information request from a visitor or private researcher. Using the park's archives is one tool the park can use answer these requests. This collection contains original diaries, letters, historical artifacts, newspapers, and photographs. All of these items aid our researches to help the public.

It is not always the museum program that does the helping. Sometimes the museum program turns to the public for help. For example, to gain a better understanding of the historical photographs in the collection, the park has reached out to local citizens. Many photos in the collection lack context or the persons in them are unknown. To help solve some of these mysteries, the photo collection was opened to locals. As folks poured over the images they offered any insight or identifications they may have. Often seeing the historical photos would trigger forgotten memories and stories to come to light.

Sometimes the museum program receives an information request regarding the park's museum collections and archives from a visitor or private researcher. Using the park's archives is one tool the park can use to answer these requests. This collection contains original diaries, letters, historical artifacts, newspapers, and photographs. All of these items aid our research to help the public.

Our capacity to answer requests will fluctuate throughout the year but we will do our best to acknowledge the receipt of the request within 2 business days. It is important to note that the actual research may take up to a few weeks, depending on the extent of the request and the volume of inquiries. Submit an information request through our website on the Museum Collections page or send an email

There's no need to go through the museum program first if you are looking for specific photo on our website. The photo credits will tell you which archive holds the rights.

Here are a few suggestions on where to look prior to making a request.

color photo of a beige storage cabinet with three drawers containing open topped boxes lined with white protective padding displaying various zoological specimens, including animal skins and bones
Some of the items stored in the Natural History Collection.

NPS/Tegan Urbanski

Scientific Applications

The museum program also has a natural history collection. It preserves over six thousand natural specimens. The largest part of the collection is the herbarium.

Park and non-park scientists can use these specimens for research and reference. The samples act as a baseline for scientific research within the park. They document climate fluctuations, air quality, and ecological diversity.

Preserved in the collection are:

  • plants
  • lichens
  • birds
  • fish
  • rodents
  • other mammal skeletons
color photo of a shallow gray metal storage drawer holding open topped white boxes lined with white protective padding holding various small artifacts

NPS/ Tegan Urbanski

Protecting the Past for Future Generations

The museum team's mission is to preserve and protect almost 300,000 objects. The cultural collection includes four sub-divisions:

  • Archeology
  • History
  • Archives
  • Ethnology

The natural collection is where you can find plants and animals. This is no small undertaking. Maintaining these items allows people of all disciplines the chance to verify and expand their research.

Want to learn more? Dive deeper into one of these collections:


Have an Information Request?

Email Us

Last updated: July 25, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
P.O. Box 517

Skagway, AK 99840


907 983-9200

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