Visiting Researchers

Brown wood building with green roof and a smaller outbuilding constructed the same. The American flag flies out front.
Thomas Condon Paleontology Center

NPS Photo

John Day Fossil Beds National Monument hosts a variety of research projects; including natural resources, paleontology, and cultural heritage conservation.

The Thomas Condon Paleontology Center houses comprehensive and contemporary facilities that offer scholars, educators, and scientists resources needed to conduct research within the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. These services to support and facilitate research may include:

  • Digitized catalog of collections
  • Access to curated specimens
  • Available ArcGIS data, regional lithologys and rare Geologic Survey maps
  • Listings of short term housing opportunities (paid for by research institution)
  • Presentation/ lecture room with accompanying AV equipment
  • Staff library with extensive professional reference literature


Digitial Museum Collections

The online catalog of collections for the Monument is available for public viewing. There are currently over 100,000 items in collections. Please look through this portion of the Digital Museum Collections website to see if any paleontological or historical resources are of interest for your study.

Paleontology Collections and Museum Access Policy

Museum collections and laboratory areas are restricted to individuals that have requested access in advance and have a legitimate curatorial or professional reason to be in the Collections Room, Accession Room, and the Paleontology Lab. Access must be requested in writing, approved, and scheduled at least three weeks in advance by a curatorial staff member at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. This allows for adequate proposal review and to facilitate scheduling by the curatorial staff. Same day access will not be granted.

Review the Collections Access Policy to understand the site's policies and practices.


Accessing Museum Collections & Historic Documents

Complete the Preliminary Application for Museum Collections and Historic Document Form for access to museum collections and historic documents. Once the document is completed, e-mail the request to staff.

Facilities use at the monument must adhere to the following guidelines for the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center laboratory.

Guidelines for Handling Museum Collections
Guidelines for Photography of Collections and Duplication of Historic Documents

Research Permits

Research requiring fieldwork, specimen collection and/or has the potential to disturb resources or visitors within park boundaries must also apply through the National Park Service’s Research Permit Reporting System This includes paleontology, geology, history/culture, modern plants, animals, air, water, soundscapes, etc.

Create an account once you visit the page, the follow the prompts to provide the intent of your research, the institution you represent, and other needed information.

Contact Paleontology Staff

E-mail the Research Coordinator
Fax: (541) 987-2336
Please include: "Attention: Paleontology Staff." in your subject line.
Learn more about the park's paleontology staff.

Offsite Housing

Researcher housing is not available within the John Day Fossil Beds, but there are offsite opportunities that may be available at your own expense. The closest town to Thomas Condon Paleontology Center is Dayville, Oregon (9 miles). Please visit the Lodging and Camping pages to learn more about offsite housing.

Last updated: September 11, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

32651 Highway 19
Kimberly, OR 97848


541 987-2333

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