General Special Use Permits

General Special Use Permits

Special events are activities, such as organized group events, rallies, walks, runs, and other events, which benefit an individual, group, or organization, rather than the public at large. All Special Event Applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Regulations authorize the conducting of special events provided:

  • There is a meaningful association between the park and the event;

  • The observance contributes to visitor understanding of the significance of the park; and
  • A permit has been issued by the superintendent.

The NPS will not permit the public staging of special events that are conducted primarily for the material or financial benefit of the organizers or participants, or which involve commercialization, in-park advertising or publicity.

A special use permit often requires general commercial liability insurance of $1,000,000 and more, depending on the activity. The insurance and the permittee indemnify the park from liability, injury, or damages resulting from the actions or inaction of the permittee.

Approved special event locations include:

  • Arlington Lawn (center area) – maximum of 200 participants*
  • Whittington Park – maximum of 200 participants

*Parking for participants is limited, shuttling of guests may be required

Other locations that may be approved for use for walks or runs include:

  • Roads or trails on Hot Springs Mountain
  • Roads or trails on West Mountain

Gulpha Gorge Amphitheater is not available for special events.

General Special Use Permit Application

Please make sure that you are familiar with the General Special Use Permit guidelines and cost recovery charges before submitting your application. You will need to download, fill out, and return the application back to the park for consideration by mail or email at

General Special Use Permit Application (PDF)

Two paper cups cheering above a shell fountain.
Permits & Reservations

Need a permit for a special event? Or a research permit? Learn more here.

A group of people sit and pose ecstatically for a photo on a large porch.
Laws & Policies

Know the laws and policies before coming to the Park.

Last updated: January 28, 2025

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101 Reserve Street
Hot Springs, AR 71901


501 620-6715

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