Your Safety


Fatal injuries occur every year in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Motor vehicle accidents and drownings are the leading causes of death. Be aware:

  • Motorcyclists must be especially cautious here. Automobiles frequently cross center lines on blind curves and winding roads. Ride defensively.
  • Yellowjacket wasps are especially aggressive in autumn. Allergic persons should carry "epi" pens or other medications. If stung on the hand, remove rings immediately.
  • Don't drive impaired! The park's mountainous roads are narrow, winding and heavily traveled. They are unforgiving for a careless driver; or worse, for a driver whose mental state is compromised by alcohol or drugs. Every year, several alcohol-related fatalities occur within the park.

Last updated: June 1, 2022

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Gatlinburg, TN 37738



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