as of 16 January, 2025
Study #, STUDY_TITLE, First Name, Last Name, Institution, PERMIT_ID, Expir. Date, Type
Water, Fish, and Stream Life
GRSM-02222, A Roadmap to Restoration of the Abrams Creek Mussel Fauna, Gerald Dinkins, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2025-SCI-2222, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02158, Genetic Assessment of Reintroduced Brook Trout Populations in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2023-SCI-2158, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-01118, Stream Monitoring Information Exchange - Volunteer Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring, Ann Marie Traylor, EquiLab, GRSM-2023-SCI-1118, 12/31/2024, monitoring
GRSM-01208, Operation and Maintenance of NEON LeConte Creek In-stream and Riparian Infrastructure and Sensor Suite and Aquatic Organismal Sampling, National Ecosystem Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1208 and GRSM-2025-SCI-9208, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-01257, Great Smoky Mountain National Park Monitoring Wells: Proposed Inclusion into the North Carolina Statewide Monitoring Well Network, Susan Laughinghouse, NC Department of Water Resources, GRSM-2023-SCI-1257, 12/31/2025, monitoring
GRSM-02544, Zoobenthic and Zooplanktonic Aquatic Organisms in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Benny Glasgow, Discover Life in America, GRSM-2025-SCI-2544, 12/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-00341, Turbellaria Flatworm Diversity in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Environmental Factors of Distribution, Benny Glasgow, Discover Life in America, GRSM-2025-SCI-0341, 12/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-00844, Ecoregion Reference Stream Monitoring and Watershed Monitoring, Larry Everett, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, GRSM-2024-SCI-0844, GRSM-2024-SCI-0844, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-02258, Water Quality of the Smokies Headwater Streams, Maggie Chen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2025-SCI-2258, 12/31/2025, research
Soils and Land Ecology/Geology
GRSM-02281, The Role of Bedrock Erodibility in the Topography and Landscape Evolution of the Appalachian Mountains, James Spotilla, Virginia Tech University, GRSM-2024-SCI-2281, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-01161, Soil Respiration Monitoring, Tyler Thomas, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, GRSM-2024-SCI-1161, 12/31/2026, research
GRSM-02551, General Bryophyte Survey of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Rebekah Smucker, Discover Life in America, GRSM-2024-SCI-2551, 6/30/2025, inventory
GRSM-00461, USFS-Southem Research Station-Forest Inventory & Analysis, Don Roach, North Carolina Forest Service, and Thomas Rowe, Tennessee Division of Forestry, GRSM-2024-SCI-9461 and GRSM-2024-SCI-0461, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-01202, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Coarse Downed Wood, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-9202, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-01202, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Plant Diversity, Vegetation Structure, Phenology, Litterfall, and Leaf Area Index, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1202, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-01077, Phenology Monitoring in the Smokies, Paul E. Super, National Park Service, GRSM-2023-SCI-1077, 12/31/2025, monitoring
GRSM-00003, Primeval Forest Dynamics along the Elevation Gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains, Richard Busing, GRSM-2023-SCI-0003, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02127, Rhizome Survival in a Woodland Herb, Jonathan Cox, National Park Service, GRSM-2023-SCI-2127, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02273, Oconaluftee River Trail Rehabilitation Rare Plant Surveys at GRSM, Eric Webb, Vernadero, Inc., GRSM-2024-SCI-2273, 5/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-02248, Screening for Sarcoptes Mites in American Black Bears, Julie Sheldon, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2024-SCI-2248, 12/31/2025, research
Land Insects, Spiders, etc.
GRSM-02323, Entomological Investigations of Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Diversity in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Brian Byrd, Western Carolina University, GRSM-2024-SCI-2323, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02261, Investigating Species Limits in Mantleslugs (Genus Philomycus), Megan Smith, Mississippi State University, GRSM-2025-SCI-2261, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-00092, The Evolutionary Genetics of Mushroom-feeding Drosophila, Kelly Dyer, University of Georgia, GRSM-2024-SCI-0092, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-00069, Discover Life in America Volunteer Project Teams for the ATBI, Todd Witcher, Discover Life in America, GRSM-2025-SCI-0069, 12/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-02400, Survey of Gall-Making Arthropods and their Plant Hosts in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Benny Glasgow, Discover Life in America, GRSM-2025-SCI-2400, 12/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-01200, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Mosquitoes, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1200, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-01201, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Tick Collection, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1201, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-01206, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Ground Beetle Sampling, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1206, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-02090, How Much Biodiversity is There in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM)? Keith Langdon, National Park Service emeritus, GRSM-2024-SCI-2090, 12/31/2025, inventory
GRSM-00554, Butterfly Community Science Projects, Tyler Thomas, Greast Smoky Mountains Institute, GRSM-2024-SCI-0554, 12/31/2025, monitoring
GRSM-01236, Tennessee Butterfly Monitoring Network - Cades Cove Sites, Warren Bielenberg, National Park Service, GRSM-2024-SCI-1236, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-00275, Collection of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Used for Rearing of Predatory Beetles of the Adelgid, Rafael Ferreira dos Santos, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2022-SCI-0275, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-00096, Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Lynn Faust, GRSM-SCI-2024-0096, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-02235, Long-term Monitoring for the Spruce-fir Moss Spider (SFMS), Microhexura montivaga, Susan Cameron, USFWS, GRSM-2025-SCI-2235, 12/31/2025, monitoring
Fungi, Algae, Lichens, Bacteria
GRSM-00052, Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in Soils and Waters of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sean O'Connell, Western Carolina University, GRSM-2024-SCI-0003, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-01205, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Biogeochemistry, Microbes, Below-ground Plant Productivity, NRCS Soil Survey, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1205, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-02154, North Carolina Breeding Bird Atlas, John Carpenter, North Carolina Division of Wildlife Resources, GRSM-2024-SCI-2154, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-01203, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Terrestrial Observation System - Breeding Landbird Abundance and Diversity, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1203, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-00823, Conduct the Cades Cove and Newfound Gap Breeding Bird Surveys within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Blue Ridge Parkway, Paul Super, National Park Service, GRSM-2025-SCI-0823, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-02283, Snot Otter Stewardship: Assessing status and trends amongst Eastern Hellbender Populations within Great Smoky Mountains, Emily Nolan, Amphibian Research Center, GRSM-2024-SCI-2283, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-02161, Collaborative Research: MIM: Gut-inhabiting Fungi Influence Structure and Function of Herptile Microbiomes through Horizontal Gene Transfer and Novel Metabolic Function, Donald Walker, Middle Tennessee State University, GRSM-2025-SCI-2161, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02227, A Conanti Quandary: Unraveling the Genetic, Phenotypic, and Distributional Mysteries of Cryptic Dusky Salamander Lineages in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Jonathan Cox, NPS, GRSM-2023-SCI-2227, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02173, Shedding Light on Batesian Mimicry: Investigating Biofluorescence Amongst Variable Phenotypes of the Southern Appalachian Endemic Salamanders, Desmognathus imitator and Plethodon jordani, Jonathan Cox, NPS, GRSM-2024-SCI-2173, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02187, Estimating Population Abundance and Trait Variation in Smaller Plethodon Salamanders, Jon Davenport, Appalachian State University, GRSM-2025-SCI-2187, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02148, Imidacloprid Concentrations in Non-target Plants and Salamanders in Hemlock Forests, John Maerz, University of Georgia, GRSM-2024-SCI-2148, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-00452, Ranavirus surveillance in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Matt Gray, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2024-SCI-0452, 12/31/2025, monitoring
GRSM-00031, Long-term monitoring of vernal pond amphibians in the Cades Cove area, Walter Peterson, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, GRSM-2025-SCI-0031, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-02238, Amphibian Road Crossing Survey Pilot Study, Jeremy Johnson, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, GRSM-2025-SCI-2238, 12/31/2025, monitoring
GRSM-00093, Long-term study of Plethodon hybrid zones, Joseph Pechmann, Western Carolina University, GRSM-2024-SCI-0093, 12/31/2026, monitoring
GRSM-01079, Salamander Monitoring Citizen Science Study, Paul E. Super, National Park Service, GRSM-2024-SCI-1079, 12/31/2026, monitoring
Air: Precipitation, Pollution, Climate
GRSM-01211, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Tower Sensor Installation and Operation, National Ecological Observatory Network, GRSM-2025-SCI-1211, 12/31/2027, research
GRSM-00493, Measuring, Modeling, and Understanding Orographic Precipitation Regimes and Hydrology in Mid-Latitude Mountain Regions, Ana Barros, University of Illinois, GRSM-2024-SCI-0493, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02284, Southeastern US Wintertime Particle Nitrate Study, Bret Schichtel, NPS and Colorado State University, GRSM-2025-SCI-2284, 12/31/2025, research
GRSM-02274, Investigate Physical and Chemical Properties of Atmospheric Fine Aerosol and Impacts on Ice Nucleation, Nancy Lei, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, GRSM-2025-SCI-2274, 12/31/2025, research
Social Sciences/other
GRSM-02275, Knowledge and Training of Staff at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Interacting with Individuals with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities, Makensie Colton, East Tennessee State University, GRSM-2025-SCI-2275, 04/30/2025, research
GRSM-02264, Evaluating Accessibility: Inclusivity with a 360-degree Virtual Cultural Heritage Tour, Lorna Keathley, University of Birmingham, UK, GRSM-2024-SCI-2264, 06/01/2025, research
GRSM-02092, Tracking Aircraft Over GRSM using ADS-B, Adam Beeco, National Park Service, GRSM-2025-SCI-2092, 12/31/2025, monitoring