News Release

Grand Canyon National Park initiates water conservation for both North and South rims

A park helicopter flies over Phantom Ranch and the Colorado River
Helicopter 368 flies over Phantom Ranch (NPS Photo/D. Yurcik)

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News Release Date: September 3, 2022

Contact: Joëlle Baird, 928-606-3154

Effective immediately, Grand Canyon National Park will re-implement mandatory water conservation measures on both the North and South rims of the park. This is due to diminished water supplies as a result of a major pipeline break discovered on September 3 in the inner canyon along the North Kaibab Trail. Water conservation measures require all park residents and visitors to conserve and reduce water usage wherever possible in homes, hotel rooms, and at the campgrounds.

Conservation measures require that all concessions operations switch to disposable dishes and utensils; alter menus to use less water for food prep and dish washing; adopt low water use for hotel room cleaning; and serve drinking water at restaurants by request only.Although the park has entered water restrictions, park staff continue to encourage frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds using soap and water to prevent the spread of disease.

Mandatory water conservation measures include: 

  • No watering lawns/plants 

  • No washing cars, boats, bikes or any outside vehicle

  • Run dishwashers or washing machines with only full loads (in eco mode if available)

  • Utilize dry precleaning methods to scrape off food items before thoroughly washing dishes.

  • Fill the sink with water while washing dishes to avoid running water 

  • Take shorter or less frequent showers 

  • Turn water off while you shave or brush your teeth

  • Use low water cleaning techniques and reduce toilet flushing to the minimum necessary

  • Camper Services may implement limited hours for showers and laundry services 

  • Employee and concessionaire laundromats may implement limited hours

  • Report drips, leaks, or other water loss to appropriate offices

  • Remove outside hoses from spigots when not in use 

Drinking water is turned OFF at the following inner canyon locations: Mile-and-a-Half and Three-Mile rest houses, Cottonwood Campground and day use area, and Manzanita rest area. Hikers in the backcountry should plan to carry all their water or methods to treat water.

For the most up-to-date information on water availability in the inner canyon, please visit the park's Critical Backcountry Updates page


Last updated: October 30, 2022

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