Glacier National Park Recognizes FHWA's Commitment to Conservation

FHWA GTSR Team Receive Conservation Awared
Left to right are: Brad Nietzke, Thinh Phan, Reuben Johnson, John Schnaderbeck, Chas Cartwright, Mike Traffalis, Bill McQuiston.

NPS Photo by Wade Muehlhof

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News Release Date: June 8, 2010

Contact: Amy Vanderbilt, 406 888-5838

Contact: Wade Muehlhof, 406 888-7895

WEST GLACIER, MONT. – Today. (June 8) Glacier National Park officials recognized the Western Federal Lands Program Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Going-to-the-Sun Road Rehabilitation Team for its efforts in protecting and preserving Glacier National Park’s cultural and natural resources while rehabilitating the Going-to-the-Sun Road (Sun Road.) A plaque from the park was presented to representatives of the FHWA that recognizes the agency’s ongoing dedication to establishing and maintaining a collaborative and communicative environment with the park’s natural and cultural resource staff and demonstrating significant sensitivity and stewardship, while still accomplishing the historic road rehabilitation.

Superintendent Chas Cartwright presented the award: “Glacier is a unique and special place that contains wildlife, plants and cultural sites significant to our nation’s natural and cultural heritage. The specific actions FHWA has taken to maintain the integrity of these resources has gone far beyond normal operations. Thank you for your efforts; we look forward to our continued working relationships on the project.”

Some of the conservation efforts made by the FHWA include scheduling to avoid road work during sensitive times of the year for various wildlife species, limiting the size of night-time work zones to allow bears greater space to cross the road and rehabilitating the Sun Road without substantially changing the original design and construction.

The Going-to-the-Sun Road is undergoing an extensive rehabilitation. This multi-year project is overseen by the Federal Highway Administration in partnership with the National Park Service at Glacier National Park. During the 2010 summer season there will be two concurrent phases of work. One phase between Big Bend and Logan Pass had been planned in advance. Due to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) stimulus funds, a second phase of work was accelerated on the two-and-a-half mile stretch of Sun Road between Logan Pass and Siyeh Bend. During the spring and fall, a third phase of work is being performed between Logan Creek and the West Tunnel.

Details on the Sun Road project and current road conditions are available on the park’s website at


EDITORS NOTE: A photo is available online at

Last updated: March 31, 2012

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