Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get there?
Visitors may now drive to Eisenhower NHS. Visitor parking is available on-site. For directions, click here.

Is the Eisenhower farm wheelchair accessible?
The first floor of the Eisenhower home, the grounds, and the Reception Center are all wheelchair accessible.

How much time should I plan to spend at the Farm?
Visitors typically spend from 1 to 2 hours at the site.

How big is the Farm?
The President’s Farm is 189 acres. However, the site today comprises four farms with a total of 690 acres.

Is the President’s farm still a working farm?
The farm is leased out to a local farmer with the stipulation that he grows the same crops the President grew; that he employs the President’s sound farm management practices: strip farming, rotation, and contour plowing; and that he grazes black Angus cattle just as the President did.

Where is Eisenhower buried?
In a chapel in Abilene, Kansas at the site of his boyhood home and Presidential Library. Beside him are his wife, Mamie, and their first son Doud Dwight who died of scarlet fever at the age of three in 1921.

Where is the Eisenhower Presidential Library?
In Abilene, Kansas at the site of his boyhood home.

Last updated: February 3, 2025

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