
Thank you for your interest in the management of Dinosaur National Monument. In this section of our website you will find documents and information related to the management of the monument. A good place to get a background on the resources and management of Dinosaur National Monument is our Foundation Document. You can also visit the links below or on the left side of the page for your area of interest. Feel free to contact us if you need additional information or have questions.

Dinosaur National Monument Foundation Document cover

Dinosaur National Monument Foundation Document
A foundation document provides basic guidance for planning and management decisions. The core components of a foundation document include a brief description of the park as well as the park's purpose, significance, fundamental resources and values, other important resources and values, and interpretive themes. The foundation document also includes special mandates and administrative commitments, an assessment of planning and data needs that identifies planning issues, planning products to be developed, and the associated studies and data required for park planning. Download the Foundation Document (Adobe PDF 7.4 MB)


Our Staff and Offices
This page contains phone numbers for key positions and offices and the address for the monument headquarters.

Park Statistics
On this page, you will find information on important dates in the history of Dinosaur National Monument, geographic facts and links to monument visitation statistics and buget information.

Laws & Policies
On this page you will information and links on the laws and policies related to DInosaur National Monument. This is where you can access the current edition of the Compendium of Regulations which details regulations specific to Dinosaur National Monument.

Last updated: March 10, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

4545 Hwy 40
Dinosaur, CO 81610


435 781-7700

Contact Us