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Tour & Transit Buses in Denali: Doyon/ARAMARK Joint Venture (JV)This company holds a concession contract to perform multiple visitor services within Denali. JV is authorized by the National Park Service to provide transportation services, including park transit, tour, camper, and free buses. The only other buses traveling into Denali beyond the visitor center belong to various Kantishna-based lodges. Buses, as well as the other services run by JV, operate only during the summer season (mid-May to mid-September). Additional facilities operated by JV include:
Educational ProgramsThe Murie Science and Learning Center (MSLC) focuses its mission on providing research, discovery, and learning opportunities within arctic and subarctic national parks to promote appreciation and caring for our natural and cultural heritage. Through the MSLC, the National Park Service partners with professional education groups to offer a wide diversity of education programs aimed at youth, lifetime learners, and custom education groups. If you wish to bring a science or education group to Denali, you may want to explore these free and fee-based programs.
Last updated: August 29, 2022