Become a Virtual Junior Ranger (Page 4)

An illustration features a pika, an astronaut, a ranger hat, sagebrush, and a pronghorn. The text reads, "Become a Virtual Junior Ranger!"


You’re now a Craters of the Moon Virtual Junior Ranger!

Download and print your certificate and badge below, then watch the video to take the Junior Ranger Pledge!
A golden badge with the words "Virtual Junior Ranger: Craters of the Moon" and an image of a computer screen with volcanoes on it.

NPS Illustration

Color Certificate & Badge

This version is already colored in and ready to go!

Download and print your badge and certificate.
A line illustration of a badge with the words "Virtual Junior Ranger: Craters of the Moon" and an image of a computer screen with volcanoes on it

NPS Illustration

Black and White Certificate & Badge

A page for you to color!

Download and print your badge and certificate.
Visit our keyboard shortcuts docs for details
50 seconds

Let's make it official! Follow along with Ranger Kurt as he recites the Junior Ranger Pledge!


The Junior Ranger Pledge:

I promise
to explore the wonders of the earth,
from my home and in person,
so I can reach for the stars!
I promise to take care
of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
and other special places,
so that I may enjoy them
and for future generations.
I "LAVA" Craters of the Moon!

Would you like to get in touch with a Craters Ranger?

Send us your questions or share photos of your Virtual Junior Ranger activities! Email us at or check out our full contact information here.

You can also connect with Craters of the Moon on Facebook or tag us on Instagram (@CratersoftheMoon_NPS). We look forward to hearing from you!

What's next?

Keep exploring the Craters of the Moon website or discover more online activities from other national parks!

Last updated: October 18, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
1266 Craters Loop Road
P.O. Box 29

Arco, ID 83213


208 527-1300

Contact Us