
Logo with line drawings of lizard and a rock formation. Includes words Colorado National Monument

Your donations make a real difference!

Many park programs and projects can use a financial boost, including youth programs, education, transportation for school groups coming to the park, visitor services and safety, the Junior Ranger program, as well as projects that protect natural and cultural resources. Your donation can go towards a specify cause, project, or program.

You can donate to Colorado National Monument in a variety of ways:

  • give a general cash donation
  • make a gift to honor or remember someone or a special event
  • request donations in lieu of gifts
  • support a specific park fund or program
  • make a bequest
  • leave a legacy
  • leave a gift of property

Let us know your particular interest and we can describe related programs that could benefit from your help.


Donations may be made by check or money order payable to Colorado National Monument Association. Send to:

Colorado National Monument Association
1750 Rim Rock Drive
Fruita, CO 81521ent Association.


To donate directly to the National Park Service at the monument, please send a check or money order payable to National Park Service. Send to:

Colorado National Monument
1750 Rim Rock Drive
Fruita, CO 81521

If you are making a donation in someone's honor, please include the name and address of that person and they will receive an acknowledgement note.

The wildlife, ecosystems, staff, and visitors of Colorado National Monument appreciate your support!

Last updated: December 2, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1750 Rim Rock Drive
Fruita, CO 81521


970 858-2800

Contact Us