Fees & Passes

No entrance pass required

An entrance pass is not required to access Castle Mountains National Monument.

Other National Park Service sites may require an entrance pass or fee. Depending on your trip plans, an interagency pass may save you money.

Castle Mountains National Monument does not require an entrance fee.

2025 Free Entrance Days in the National Parks

Come experience the national parks! All National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee will offer free admission to everyone (other fees, including timed entry or reservation fees, may apply). Mark your calendar for these entrance fee-free dates:


Camping Fees & Reservations

There are no developed campgrounds in Castle Mountains National Monument. Primitive camping is permitted in previously established sites. Camping is also available in the neighboring Mojave National Preserve. With the exception of the Black Canyon Group and Equestrian Campground, camping reservations are not accepted. Fees may apply. Click here for more camping information.

Permit Information

We strongly encourage all potential permit applicants to email or call (760-221-4740) before applying.A special park use permit is for a short-term activity that:

  • provides a benefit to an individual, group or organization, rather than the public at large;
  • requires written authorization and some degree of management control from the preserve to protect resources and thepublic interest;
  • is not prohibited by law or regulation; and
  • is neither initiated, sponsored, nor conducted by Castle Mountains National Monument.

Permits are required to conduct various activities including, but not limited to:

  • Recreational events with groups with 7 or more horses or vehicles (including motorcycles) or with 25 or more people

  • College field trips with 25 or more students

  • Installation of game or trail camera(s)

  • Organized events such as sports events, entertainment, or ceremonies

  • Public assemblies, meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, parades, and other public expressions of view when more than 25 persons are involved

  • Livestock use

  • Scattering of human ashes from cremation

  • Operating commercial vehicles

  • Commercial still photography with sets, props, or models

  • Commercial filming

  • Commercial audio recording where members of the public are generally not allowed; involving equipment that requires mechanical transport; involving equipment that requires an external power source other than a battery pack; or requiring management and oversight of the permitted activity

  • Construction, such as maintenance and repairs on utilities with authorized rights-of-way permitting instruments

Costs include a non-refundable application fee, plus possible administrative processing and (possible) monitoring costs. Proof of insurance and posting of a bond may also be required.

Allow at least two weeks for common recreational activities. More complex requests require more time to review.

Contact Mojave National Preserve for more information: moja_permits@nps.gov or 760-221-4740.

Commercial Use Authorizations

A commercial use authorization (CUA) authorizes appropriate commercial services to Monument visitors in limited circumstances. A CUA may be issued only for services that:

  • are determined to be an appropriate use of Castle Mountains National Monument;

  • will have minimal impact on park resources and values; and

  • are consistent with the purpose for which the Monument was established, as well as applicable management plans, park policies, and regulations.

Commercial uses include businesses that provide any or all goods, activities, services, agreements or other things offered to the general public that take place at least in part in the monument, uses park resources, and are undertaken for or results in compensation, monetary gain, benefit or profit to an individual, organization, or corporation, whether or not such entity is organized for purposes recognized as non-profit under local, state or Federal law. Commercial service providers may not require waivers of liability, but they may have their customers agree to a Visitor Acknowledgement of Risk.

Costs include a non-refundable application fee and possible administrative monitoring. Proof of insurance is required. Instructions are provided in the application form. Posting of a bond might also be required. Contact Mojave National Preserve for more information: moja_permits@nps.gov or 760-221-4740.

Castle Mountains National Monument offers few commercial services at the moment. Please email or call (760-221-4740) for standing and new commercial services in the monument.

All commercial use authorization holders must complete and submit annual survey reports.

Cost Recovery for Special Use Permits and Commercial Use Authorizations

Special-use permits have application fees plus possible processing and possible monitoring costs. Commercial still photography and commercial filming permits have additional location fees. Permit fees and costs are waived for educational groups. Location fees are waived for small documentary shoots.

Commercial use authorizations have non-refundable application fees and can have administrative and management fees. All fees and costs must be paid before a permit or authorization is issued.

Payment Options

Permit fees and costs may be paid by electronic transaction, check, or money order.

Forms & Inquiries

For more information, send an email or call 760-221-4740.

Scientific Research & Collecting Permit

A permit is required to engage in research activities within the park. To apply for a research and collecting permit, visit the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System webpage. The RPRS website has information on necessary procedures and requirements.

Last updated: June 20, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Castle Mountains National Monument
2701 Barstow Road

Barstow, CA 92311


760 252-6100

Contact Us
