News Release

Cape Hatteras National Seashore temporarily expands beach closure south from Buxton Beach Access due to petroleum odors

Photo of remnant military infrastructure at Buxton FUDS 09-04-2024 (website)

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News Release Date: September 5, 2024

Contact: David Hallac, 252 216-5520

Contact: Mike Barber, 252 423-0195

MANTEO, N.C. — Over the last 24-36 hours, several feet of sand have been washed away from an area of beach in front of the Buxton Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore). Soil and groundwater that is apparently contaminated with petroleum from historic military use of the site is now exposed to the beachfront during low tide, and wave action during high tide. 

Seashore staff have reported observations of the petroleum exposure to the National Response Center, operated by the Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, and other State of North Carolina agencies that assist with pollution response. The Seashore has also requested assistance from the Regional Response  

Team, an interagency team that can help coordinate response and provide technical advice during oil spills or pollution events. 

Additionally, erosion has uncovered significant quantities of hazardous remnant Navy and Coast Guard infrastructure, such as concrete, rebar, wires, PVC and metal pipes, metal fragments, and cables that have been left in the ground. 

All visitors to the Seashore should heed the signs on the north and south end of the 0.3-mile-long closed section of beach and stay outside of the area. 

Updates will be provided as more details are available.  

You can learn more about the Buxton FUDS at:

Last updated: September 5, 2024

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Manteo, NC 27954


252 473-2111

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