News Release
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Contact: Sabrina Henry, 252-475-9019
A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the construction of a new septic system within the Buxton park housing area was signed on May 21, 2018.
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Park Service (NPS) prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to examine alternative actions and environmental impacts associated with the proposed project to install a new septic system within Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore). This system includes a lift station, drain fields, wastewater systems, and all associated electrical facilities.
The existing septic drain field across from the Buxton Ranger Station occasionally floods during rain and storm events and becomes unusable. This action will relocate the current housing septic system out of the flood prone area. The project will improve overall long-term maintenance operations of the housing septic facilities and septic drain fields.
The NPS will begin construction of the new septic system during the 2018/2019 winter season. Construction operations will not impact access to any public areas of the park.
Copies of the EA and the FONSI can be found on the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website at:
Last updated: June 7, 2018