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Event ID: 8949 Book: Arizpe Page Number: NNv
Event: Burial Event Date: 10/15/1800 Event Place: Arizpe
En la Parroquia de la Capital de Arizpe a los quince días del mes de octubre de mil ochocientos años, Yo, el Cura dí sepultura eclesiastica con cruz alta al cuerpo de Doña Regina Serrano, viuda que fue del difunto Coronel Anza. Fue administrada con los santos sacramentos de la penitencia, eucarestía y extrema unción, y para que conste lo firmé
José Cayetano Salcido (rúbrica)

In the parish church of the capital of arizpe on the 15th day of the month of October of the year 1800, I, the priest, provided ecclesiastic burial with high cross for the body of Doña Regina Serrano, widow of the late Coronel Anza. The holy sacraments of penance, eucharist, and extreme unction were administered, in certification of which I signed.
José Cayetano Salcido (rubric)

This record can be found on U of A Microfilm Series 811, Roll 12

While there is nothing in her burial record that indicates when she died, the date is given as October 14th, or the day before her burial, in papers asigning the last pension payment from her deceased husband to her sister, María Teresa Pérez Serrano.
Event Relationship [2 Records]

Personal ID: 5369 Given Name: Ana María Regina Surname: Pérez Serrano Relationship: Deceased
Personal ID: 6778 Given Name: José Cayetano Surname: Salcido Relationship: Priest
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