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Event ID: 8746 Book: Pitiquito B2 Page Number: 41v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 01/16/1781 Event Place: Pitiquito
Joseph Domingo, párvulo Indio Yaqui
En este Pueblo de San Diego del Pitiqui en diez y seis de enero de mil setecientos ochenta y uno, Yo, Fraile Pedro Font, Ministro de dicho pueblo, bauticé solemnemente a un niño nacido in la noche del día catorce antecedente, al cual le puse por nombre Joseph Domingo, hijo legítimo de Lorenzo, Indio Yaqui de Torin y avecindado en este pueblo, y de María, India Nixora. Fueron padrinos Joseph Sanchez, Yaqui de Torin y avecindado y el pueblo, y María Antonia, tambien India Yaqui y avecindado aca, los cuales quedaron advertidos del parentesco y obligaciones que contrajeron; y para que conste lo firmé.
Fraile Pedro Font (rúbric)

Joseph Domingo, Yaqui Indian child
In this village of San Diego of Pitiqui on the 16th of January of 1781, I, Friar Pedro Font, Minister of the said village, solemnly baptized a child born on the night of the previous 14th, whom I gave the name Joseph Domingo, the legitimate son of Lorenzo, a Yaqui Indian of Torin living in this village, and María, a Nixora Indian. Godparents were Joseph Sanchez, a Yaqui of Torin living in the village, and María Antonia, also a Yaqui Indian and living here, who were advised of the relationship and obligations they contracted; and in certification of this I signed.
Friar Pedro Font (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 6139 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Font Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24295 Given Name: José Domingo Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24296 Given Name: Lorenzo Surname: Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 24297 Given Name: María Surname: Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 24298 Given Name: José Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 24299 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Relationship: Godmother
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