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Event ID: 8530 Book: Átil Page Number: 21
Event: Baptism Event Date: 01/28/1769 Event Place: Átil
Partida 131 - Joseph Francisco de la Trinidad
Día veinte y ocho de enero del año mil setecientos sesenta y nueve en esta iglesia de Nuestra Señor Padre San Francisco del Áti, bautizé solemnemente a Joseph Francisco de la Trinidad, párvulo de cuatro años de nacion Nijora, traido de los Papagos. Padrinos fueron Francisco Visactuto y Cathalina Maysa, hijos de esta del Áti, y para que conste lo firmé.
Fraile Joseph Soler (rúbrica)

Entry 131 - Joseph Francisco de la Trinidad
Day 28 of January of the year 1769 in this church of Our Lord Father San Francisco of Áti, I solemnly baptized Joseph Francisco de la Trinidad, a child of four years from the nation Nijora, brought here by the Papagos. His godparents were Francisco Visactuto and Cathalina Maysa, children of this [mission] of Áti, in certification of which I signed
Friar Joseph Soler (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 11070 Given Name: José Surname: Soler Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23764 Given Name: José Francisco de la Trinidad Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 23765 Given Name: Francisoc Surname: Visactuto Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 23766 Given Name: Catalina Surname: Maysa Relationship: Godmother
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