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Credit Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
Event ID: 7604 Book: San Ignacio-D Page Number: 25
Event: Visitor Inspection Event Date: 09/19/1723 Event Place: Motepore
Notes: Motepore y septiembre 19 de 1725 años
Visitado, visto, y reconocido en la visita general de su obispado en que está entendiendo Su Señoria Ilustrísima, el Obispo, mi Señor, y lo rubricó.
Ante mi,
Bachiller Diego Gonzales Periañez (rúbrica)

Motepore, September 19, 1725.
Visited, viewed, and examined in the general visitation of his bishopric which His Most Illustrious Lordship, the Bishop, my Lord is inspecting, and he signed it with his rubric.
Before me,
Bachiller Diego Gonzales Periañez (rubric)
Event Relationship [3 Records]

Personal ID: 3196 Given Name: José Agustín de Surname: Campos Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 18626 Given Name: Benito Surname: Crespo y Monroy Relationship: Bishop
Personal ID: 20134 Given Name: Diego Surname: Gonzales Periañez Relationship: Secretary of the visit
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