Current Conditions


A river flows out into a large lake with beach and dune grass surrounding.
April 5, 2024 - An evening view of the Platte River outlet with the Dune Plateau beyond.

NPS Emily Sunblade

Current Conditions - 2024
Trail Conditions

As of May 23, 2024 - Plan for wet and muddy trails. Leave no trace by walking through mud puddles instead of stepping around them. Walking around wet areas in the trail widens the trail and causes damage to the trail infrastructure.
Many spring wildflowers are in bloom.

Fire Danger

A mild winter with little snow may lead to dry conditions in the spring. Check out the Great Lakes fire danger map before building a fire. Remember, fires are only allowed in metal fire rings and at the beach between the waterline and the first dune.

Open facilities:

Closed facilities and roads:


You and your pets are welcome to enjoy the park together in select areas. This includes most hiking trails and specific stretches of beach. Check out the details on the Pets in the Park page.


Shipwreck Safety Note

2024 Lake Michigan water levels have exposed many shipwreck parts. Please view these wrecks safely from the beach. Walking on wrecks can damage the historic artifact. Your safety is at risk from rusted metal, exposed nails, and unstable structures.


Ticks have been found as early as February this year. Find tick and other safety information on the safety page.


Invasive Species News

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    How can I learn about the Lakeshore?

    • Attend a ranger program. Check out the calendar of events.
    • For National Lakeshore information, find Sleeping Bear Dunes in the free NPS app: search "National Park Service" at Apple iTunes and Google Play.

    How can I stay connected to the Lakeshore?

    Stay up to date by visiting our Social Media webpages: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

    Last updated: May 30, 2024

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    Mailing Address:

    9922 Front Street
    Empire, MI 49630


    231 326-4700

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