Your Fee Dollars at Work

Under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, national parks keep 80% of all fees collected and use that money to fund critical projects that improve services and protect resources. In Yellowstone, fee revenue provides $12.1 million a year on average for accessibility improvements, campgrounds, infrastructure, roads, native fish restoration, aquatic invasive species mitigation, and more. Read a few examples below, and remember, they were only possible because of money collected from park fees.

A view of a hot spring from nearby hillside platform.

Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail
Resource damage and visitor safety concerns from off-trail travel on the hills south of Grand Prismatic Spring led the park trail crew to construct the new Grand Prismatic Spring Overlook Trail. The new trail and 750 square foot platform allows visitors safe and spectacular views of Grand Prismatic Spring and Excelsior Geyser. Trail crew also rehabilitated the hillside resource damage. They designed and built the trail with assistance from the Montana Conservation Corps and Yellowstone’s Youth Conservation Corps.

A man lays lumber in place to build a boardwalk

Old Faithful Boardwalk Replacement
At Old Faithful park crews and the Montana Conservation Corps are replacing 30,000 square feet of a 20-year-old boardwalk with a composite lumber made from plastic and wood fiber. Once the three-year project is completed, the replacement boardwalk and deck will allow millions of visitors to safely enjoy Yellowstone’s most famous geyser.

Two people in yellow hard hats work on a boardwalk.

Yellowstone Youth Conservation Corps
The Yellowstone Youth Conservation Corps provides 62 teenagers the opportunity to learn and work in Yellowstone National Park. The program is challenging, educational, and fun: offering participants opportunities to expand their horizons while building skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. Crews repair fences, replace tent pads in campgrounds, and rehab hiking trails.

A horse-drawn buggy on a mountain dirt road.

Digitizing Historic Photos & Documents
Yellowstone's archives and museum program used fee money to digitize historic photographs, negatives, and documents and place them online. Over 350,000 documents, photographs, and negatives from the park’s historic collection were digitized, greatly improving accessibility to them. Some of the items may be viewed on the NPS Web Catalog and the Montana Memory Project.

A large swan stretches its wings to shake off water.

Waterfowl Monitoring
Fee dollars support monitoring the trumpeter swan, the common loon, the double-crested cormorant, and the American white pelican. Yellowstone has years of data about the rate and success of nesting for some of these species, but little information about changes in the timing of nesting activity, which is an indicator of climate change. Monitoring Yellowstone's waterfowl helps inform park managers of potential shifts in the ecosystem and may guide future conservation efforts.

An entrance employee talks with a visitor in a vehicle.
Fees & Passes

Learn about the fees and passes that are available.

A ranger leads a group of schoolchildren down a long boardwalk.
Academic Fee Waivers

Learn how your academic institute can apply for a fee waiver.

Last updated: November 21, 2023

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Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168



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