12th Biennial Scientific Conference

The 12th Biennial Scientific Conference was a great success. Thanks to the contributions of conference participants, our knowledge of Yellowstone continues to grow. Stay tuned for You Tube videos of specific sessions and transcripts as they are processed. The 13th Biennial Conference will be held in Fall 2016.

12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem:

Crossing Boundaries in Science, Management, & Conservation

Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, Yellowstone National Park

October 6-8, 2014

In the past 23 years since the first Biennial Scientific Conference, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has been in transition, from both an ecological and a management perspective. Since 1991, this conference series has become the foremost scientific venue for researchers and management partners with a shared interest in understanding the geologic, cultural, and biological resources of the region.

This year's biennial science meeting focused on the challenges and opportunities posed by crossing environmental, disciplinary, and jurisdictional boundaries in our quest to achieve one greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Throughout our region and across the globe, social-ecological systems are undergoing rapid changes that threaten wildlands and the biota they sustain. Yellowstone once again lies at the center of some key conservation discussions: Long-established political boundaries, though essential for administrative purposes, often cause obstacles to historic wildlife migrations and other ecosystem processes. Disciplines that have traditionally worked in isolation are now compelled to work together to address complex challenges around climate change. Changing cultural landscapes around core protected areas are demanding new collaborations and conservation partnerships. Large datasets, new technologies, and information transfer are crossing virtual boundaries and allowing us to perceive greater Yellowstone in new ways. To what extent are boundaries—both imagined and real—helping or hindering our ability to achieve conservation objectives and sustainable outcomes in the GYE?


More Information

  • Photos of the 12th Biennial Scientific Conference (6.9 MB PDF): A photo album of participants in action at the 12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
  • Keynote Speakers: For the 12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
  • 12th Biennial Scientific Conference Abstracts and Agenda (6.64 MB PDF): Abstracts and agenda for the 12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is available in PDF format. While the conference in full, transcripts of sessions are being created and will be available post conference.
  • Our Sponsors: Sponsors for the 12th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Last updated: August 27, 2024

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