Traveling Trunks

Bring the preserve's natural prairie and cultural elements to your classroom. Each trunk is chock full of hands on items and lesson plans to help your students. We loan you a trunk for 2 weeks. Give us a call at 620-273-8494 (hit 270) to reserve your trunk today. We can mail the trunk, but ask that you return it in the same fashion. Or you can simply come by the preserve and pick it up in person.

We are working to make our trunks more accessible. For further information or trunk contents and lesson plans, please email us.

American Bison 4-6 2.7 MB
American Cowboy 3-5 8.2 MB
Birds of the Tallgrass 3-4 6.3 MB
Recipe for Prairie K-2 5.4 MB
Wildlife 3-4 11 MB
Your Friends at Tallgrass Prairie 2-4 6.4 MB

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    Last updated: February 20, 2022

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    2480B KS Hwy 177
    Strong City, KS 66869


    620 273-8494 x270

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