Note: The flowers on these pages are arranged in order of their first month of bloom.
Milkmaids (Cardamine californica)
Bloom period: January - May
Habitat: Found in moist wooded areas; one of the first spring wildflowers.
Description: 4-petaled flowers can be white to pink and grow on stalks 4-15 inches tall. Leaves have a rounded outline and resemble a duck's foot.
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Bloom period: February - September
Habitat: Widespread and common in grassy areas up to 7,000 feet in elevation.
Description: This flower, so abundant it was designated the state flower, can grow as a spreading shrub or tall stalk, reaching 2 feet in height with yellow or orange flowers.
Redwood Sorrel (Oxalis oregana)
Bloom period: February - September
Habitat: Widespread on the dark, moist forest floor.
Description: Often mistaken for clover, this small (1 - 3 inch tall) herb is very shade tolerant and thrives well beneath the redwood canopy.
Buttercup (Ranunculus californicus)
Bloom period: February - May
Habitat: Common on grassy, moist slopes.
Description: Silky yellow petals grow on a thin, flexible stem with linear leaves around the base.
Cow Parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
Bloom period: February - September
Habitat: Very common in moist coastal areas and grassy slopes.
Description: Stalks grow 4 - 5 feet and heads of clustered white flowers can reach 10 inches across.
Giant Trillium (Trillium chloropetalum)
Bloom period: February - May
Habitat: Uncommon on moist wooded slopes.
Description: 3 dark, upright petals sit upon 3 mottled round leaves. Not to be confused with the western trillium, which blooms later and has plain leaves.
Redwood Violet (Viola sempervirens)
Bloom period: February - June
Habitat: Abundant in moist creek valleys and in wooded and forested areas.
Description: Small, yellow, 5-petaled flowers on round to heart-shaped leaves.
Mission Bells (Fritillaria affinis)
Bloom period: February - June
Habitat: Common in wooded and open grassy areas below 5,000 feet in elevation.
Description: Purple and yellow 6-petaled flower sits on a 1 - 3 foot tall stem with narrow, linear leaves.
Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis sylvatica)
Bloom period: February - August
Habitat: Common in moist, shady areas
Description: Tiny, blue 5-petaled flowers grow on stems 0.5 - 2 feet tall.
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Henderson's Shooting Star (Dodecatheon hendersonii)
Bloom period: February - May
Habitat: Found on open slopes and in damp wooded areas
Description: Distinctive fuschia or pink flowers grow on tall, slender stems above a rounded basal leaves.
Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrichium bellum)
Bloom period: February - May
Habitat: Common in meadows
Description: An upright, blue to purple, 6-petaled flower sits on a short stalk with grass-like leaves.
Wild Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum)
Bloom period: February - June
Habitat: Found in open meadows
Description: A tight cluster of white, pink, or brown flowers sits on a woody stalk above spreading stems with small, needlelike leaves.
Nine Spot, or Salt and Pepper (Nemophila menziesii var. atomaria)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Abundant in open, moist fields and prairies
Description: Small, white-and-black spotted, 5-petaled flowers grow close to the ground on short, succulent stems.
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Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton americanum)
Bloom period: March - June
Habitat: Found in marshes and bogs
Description: Large (1 - 3 foot) leaves surround a fleshy stem with clustered yellow flowers. An onion-like odor is given off when the leaves are bruised.
Fat Solomon's Seal (Smilacina racemosa var. amplexicaulis)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Very common in shady conifer forests
Description: Fluffy clusters of tiny white flowers grow at the end of a single stem with large, equally sized, pointed oval leaves. Clusters of small red berries form in the fall.
Coltsfoot (Petasites palmatus)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Very widespread along streams in wooded coastal areas
Description: Large clusters of pink or white composite flowers grow on stalks above unmistakable, deeply lobed leaves up to a foot across.
Western Dog Violet (Viola adunca)
Bloom period: March - August
Habitat: Very common in moist, wooded areas with adequate sunlight
Description: Dark purple, 5-petaled flowers grow on short stems with round leaves at the base.
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Western Trillium (Trillium ovatum)
Bloom period: March - June
Habitat: Rare in moist, dark forested areas
Description: White, pink, or purple 3-petaled flowers sit on a long stem, atop 3 pointed oval leaves. Not to be confused with the giant trillium, which has upright petals.
Blue Blossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus)
Bloom period: March - June
Habitat: Abundant in open or forested coastal areas
Description: Small, densely-packed blue or whitish flowers sit on the ends of branches, which form a large prostrate or erect shrub.
Siberian Candyflower (Montia sibirica)
Bloom period: March - September
Habitat: Common in moist, shady wooded or forested areas
Description: Small, pink or white, 5-petaled flowers sit on a stem 0.5 - 2 feet tall, with broad, opposite-paired leaves.
Pacific Starflower (Trientalis latifolia)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Abundant in moist, shady wooded areas
Description: Tiny, pink or white, 5- or 7-petaled star-shaped flower sits on short stalk above a flat cluster of pointed oval leaves. Grows 2 - 8 inches tall.
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Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Rare in dark, moist conifer forests
Description: Single, mottled pink flower sits on long stem with one rounded leaf at the bottom. Grows 3 - 10 inches tall.
Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis)
Bloom period: March - June
Habitat: Widespread in sunny coastal areas and in woods
Description: Bright pink, 5-petaled flower grows on spreading, thorny branches and matures into an edible, pale orange berry in the summer.
Lupine (Lupinus ssp.)
Bloom period: March - August
Habitat: Widespread in open grassy areas and along the coast
Description: Several species of this tall, striking plant grow in the parks. A member of the pea family, its many flowers range in color from white to dark purple and are arranged at the tops of stems.
Wild Pea (Vicia ssp.)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Common in open disturbed areas
Description: A member of the pea family, this large plant has numerous white or pink flowers on long stems. Several species of pea are found in the parks.
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Smith's Fairy Bells (Disporum smithii)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Common in shady wooded or forested areas away from the coast
Description: Showy, white, funnel-shaped flowers hang at the end of a flexible stem with large, pointed oval leaves. Orange berries form in the fall.
Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)
Bloom period: March - June
Habitat: Common in forest openings and along streams
Description: Tight clusters of tiny white flowers bloom after the first green shoots appear on this tall shrub, which can grow up to 25 feet tall.
Red-Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)
Bloom period: March - April
Habitat: Common in shady woods and along streams
Description: Tight clusters of bright pink or red flowers hang on the ends of woody stalks with toothed leaves. Can grow up to 12 feet tall.
Farewell to Spring (Clarkia amoena)
Bloom period: June
Habitat: Uncommon on open slopes and bluffs on or near the coast.
Description: Showy pink, 4-petaled, shallow flowers with dark purple spots and "X" shaped stigma extending beyond anthers. Sprawling stems can grow to 3 feet.
Common Monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Widespread along stream banks and in moist, shady areas
Description: Yellow, 5-petaled, tubular flowers grow on stalks 2 - 24 inches tall. The flowers have purple or brown spots on the lower petals.
Stonecrop (Dudleya farinosa)
Bloom period: March - August
Habitat: Common in rock crevices of coastal bluffs and cliffs
Description: A flat-topped yellow flower cluster grows on a thick stalk 12 inches above a basal rosette of triangular, succulent leaves.
Oregon Grape (Berberis nervosa)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Very common in open coastal areas and wooded slopes
Description: This spreading shrub looks like holly at first glance, but a closer look reveals the tell-tale clusters of small yellow flowers, which ripen to blue berries during the fall.
Western Bleeding Heart (Dicentra formosa)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Found in damp, shady areas
Description: Small, pink, heart-shaped bulbous flowers hang from soft stems with fernlike leaves. Can grow 8 - 18 inches tall.
Douglas' Iris (Iris douglasiana)
Bloom period: March - May
Habitat: Found widely in open grassy areas and brush
Description: Large, 3 - 4 inch flowers can be white to deep purple and grow on tall (up to 3 foot) stems with linear basal leaves.
Stream Violet (Viola glabella)
Bloom period: March - July
Habitat: Commonly found in moist areas and along streams
Description: Very similar to the redwood violet, except with larger, more abundant toothed heart-shaped leaves.