Watershed Stewards Program

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Watershed Stewards Program

Mission: The Watershed Stewards Program (WSP) is dedicated to improving watershed health by actively engaging in restoration science, civic service, and community education while empowering the next generation of environmental stewards.

The primary focus of WSP is to assist communities and organizations with habitat restoration for salmonoids (Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon and Steelhead Trout) in order to rehabiliate these threatened and endangered species to healthy and historic populations. They address many watershed issues facing California by partnering with a range of organizations including federal, state, county, tribal and non-profit agencies.

Additionally, Watershed Stewards Program provides watershed education and outreach throughout California, engages WSP members in volunter opportunities, and helps Redwood National and State Parks develop the next generation of natural resource professionals.
Volunteers gather behind restoration tools

"Restoration in the Redwoods" Events

Each spring you can join the Watershed Stewards Program in partnership with Americorps for a fun-filled restoration volunteer event in the Redwoods!

These events involved pulling invasive Himalayan blackberry and planting native plants to restore salmonid habitat near the Trillium Falls Trail. In 2019, the first sixty volunteers got a free Redwood National and State Parks bandana - and more than one hundred people attended! The 2022 event is on April 16th, 2002. See the flyer on facebook.


Last updated: January 22, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1111 Second Street
Crescent City, CA 95531


707 464-6101

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