News Release

National Park Service extends comment period for General Management Plan Amendment at Point Reyes National Seashore and the North District of Golden Gate National Recreation Area

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Date: November 15, 2017
Contact: Melanie Gunn, 415-464-5131

Initial comment period extended one week.

POINT REYES STATION, Calif. – The National Park Service will extend the initial public comment period for the General Management Plan Amendment (1,479 KB PDF) (GMP Amendment) for one week from November 15, 2017, through November 22, 2017. The GMP Amendment will update management guidance for all lands currently under agricultural lease/permits within Point Reyes National Seashore and the north district of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

The Park Service seeks comment on six concept alternatives, ranging from 20-year agricultural lease/permits with diversification and increased operational flexibility, to reduced ranching, no dairy ranching, and no ranching alternatives. The concept alternatives will also consider the management of tule elk in the planning area, ranging from elimination, to active management, to expansion of the Drakes Beach herd.

The Park Service initial proposal would allow existing ranch families to continue beef and dairy operations with 20-year lease/permits and tule elk in the Drakes Beach area would be managed at a level compatible with authorized ranching. Visitor experience improvements, management strategies to protect park resources, and visitor carrying capacities in the planning area will also be addressed.

Comments may be submitted online at, or by mailing or hand delivering comments to:

GMP Amendment c/o Superintendent
Point Reyes National Seashore
1 Bear Valley Road
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

The NPS is required by court order to complete the GMP Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement with a record of decision by July 14, 2021.

For more information, please see our GMP Amendment Frequently Asked Questions or Point Reyes National Seashore's website:


Last updated: January 14, 2024

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1 Bear Valley Road
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956


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