General Management Plan Amendment Background Information


As a part of the General Management Plan Amendment, a number of documents relevant to the planning process have been identified. These documents are presented here for your information and education throughout this planning process. This web page will be updated continuously as other relevant documents are identified. Please check back frequently.

July 2017 Settlement of Litigation on Management of Ranch at Point Reyes National Seashore (4,799 KB PDF)

Ranch Comprehensive Management Plan



Ranching and dairying lease/permits for PRNS-managed ranches (as of April 2015).



Biological Opinions

US Fish and Wildlife Service

National Marine Fisheries Service

California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Francisco Bay Region Resolutions

Historic Resource Studies

  • Livingston, D.S. 1993. Ranching on the Point Reyes Peninsula - A History of the Dairy and Beef Ranches within Point Reyes National Seashore, 1834-1992. Point Reyes National Seashore. Marin County, California, USA. Available at (accessed 16 October 2022).
  • Livingston, D.S. 1995. A Good Life: Dairy Farming in the Olema Valley - A History of the Dairy and Beef Ranches of the Olema Valley and Lagunitas Canyon. Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Point Reyes National Seashore. Marin County, California, USA. Available at (accessed 16 October 2022).

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Last updated: December 27, 2024

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