Contact: Nichole Fifer , (419)285-2184
PUT-IN-BAY, OHIO -Starting on armed forces Day, May 19th 2012, Perry's Victory, along with other units of the National Park Service, will offer Active duty members of the military and their dependants a free annual pass to more than 2,000 Federal sites. The military version of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Annual Pass will permit access to National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, National Forests and other Federal public lands. The military pass program was created as a way to thank our active military personnel and offer them "opportunities to bond with their loved ones, unwind, relax, heal, rejuvenate and just have fun" stated Director of the National Park Service, Jonathan Jarvis."We all owe a debt to those who sacrifice so much to protect our country.It is very fitting that we open the gates of America's public lands to them in gratitude" he continued. Free Annual Passes are just one way that military personnel will be honored at Put-in-Bay. Every year for Memorial Day Weekend, the community rolls out the red carpet for our nation's servicemen and women.In conjunction with the NPS activities, Miller Boat Line will be again offering free passage to Put-in-Bay (departing from Catawba) for Military personnel and veterans as part of the Memorial Day Weekend festivities. "We really appreciate the generosity of the Miller Boat Line in support of our annual Salute to the Troops event at the Perry's Victory Visitor Center" said Superintendent Blanca Alvarez Stransky."We are looking forward to honoring America's armed forces and hope our local veterans and active duty military take advantage of the free transportation to our Memorial Day event and the opportunity to receive their free parks pass," added Stransky. Miller Boat Line asks that military personnel and veterans simply identify themselves at the ticket booth to obtain free passage to South Bass Island and the "Salute the Troops: Tribute to America's Wounded Warriors" event.Those wanting to attend the ceremony at Perry's Victory are encouraged to take the 11:30 a.m. and 12 noon ferries departing Catawba. Upon arriving at Put-in-Bay, military and non-military personnel wishing to attend the "Salute the Troops" event will receive free passage on the Tour Train from those scheduled trips. The ceremony starts at 1 p.m. at the Perry's Victory and International Memorial Visitor Center."This year's ceremony will honor all those we have served in wars present and past, with particular thanks to those who suffered injury and debilitating effects during service. We owe a special gratitude to those who give and sacrifice so much for our freedom"said Stransky. Special features of this year's ceremony include participation from local War Veteran Jeff Karr.Additionally, the ceremony will include singing of the National Anthem by local vocalist Debbie Parker and Patriotic sing along led by George and Mary Krejci of Port Clinton. This year's activities conclude with an ice cream social sponsored by The Perry Group, the non-profit friends group, whose mission supports educational activities at Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial. For additional information about this and other special events at the park this summer, please call Nichole Fifer (419)285-2184 or visit |
Last updated: April 10, 2015