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Contact: Barbara Fearon, 419-285-2184 extension 225
Put-in-Bay, Ohio –Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial will host an open house on October 5, 2016 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm held in the Visitor Center. The park is preparing a Cultural Landscape Treatment Plan and Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify maintenance and operational issues regarding the memorial's designed landscape and provide schematic recommendations for protecting the memorial while accommodating visitor use. The purpose of the proposed report is to guide management, treatment, and use of resources at the memorial. Alternatives will focus on specific landscape components to assist the National Park Service in managing the historic property, provide support for community members and neighbors interested in preservation, and update information that will assist in the development of the monument. The proposed action is needed to provide park staff with a detailed plan that supports landscape management in accordance with NPS planning and management policies. The memorial is seeking guidance for addressing critical issues such as universal access and vegetation management. The NPS is in the scoping phase of the project and encourages public input during this initial comment period. Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial was established to honor those who fought in the Battle of Lake Erie, during the War of 1812, and to celebrate the long-lasting peace between Britain, Canada and the U.S. The Memorial, a Doric column, rising 352 feet over Lake Erie is situated 5 miles from the longest undefended border in the world. For more information about Perry's Victory, Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial on Facebook, Twitter @PerrysVIPM, instagram @perrysvictorynps,or call419-285-2184. |
Last updated: September 30, 2016