Weddings and Ceremony Permits

Wedding at Pintado Point Overlooking the Painted Desert
Wedding at Pintado Point Overlooking the Painted Desert


Gatherings in National Parks often require a special use permit. The purpose of these permits is to ensure the protection of the park’s natural and cultural resources, as well as to minimize conflicts between park visitors and permittees.

Small weddings take place at Jasper Forest.

Weddings may be scheduled up to one year in advance.

Special Use Authorization Permits must be requested by the individuals getting married and not by a third party (e.g. wedding planners).

How to Apply
You can find the application for a Special Use Permit here.

Entrance Fees
Permittees who enter a park for recreational purposes are subject to the same entrance and expanded amenity (use) fees as the general public; however, persons engaging in special park uses that are not recreational in nature are exempt from entrance and expanded amenity fees.

Examples of some non-recreational uses for which special park use permits are issued include the following:

  • First Amendment activities
  • Agricultural uses
  • Grazing
  • Commercial filming and certain still photography

Please see our Fees and Passes page for pass prices.

For further information please refer to the Superintendents Compendium.

Questions or Request Application
Please reach out with any questions or email us to receive a special use permit application:

e-mail us

Petrified Forest National Park
P.O. Box 2217
Petrified Forest, AZ 86028-2217
ATTN: Special Use Permit Coordinator

Last updated: December 2, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Petrified Forest National Park
P.O. Box 2217

Petrified Forest, AZ 86028-2217


928 524-6228

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