
A black and white photo of ancient remains of an ancient building.
The 1717 Spanish Mission Church

NPS Photo

Each year Pecos National Historical Park receives a number of requests to use the Mission Church for wedding ceremonies. It is National Park Service policy to allow these Special Park Uses provided they:

  • "are not in conflict with law or policy;
  • will not result in derogation of the values and purposes for which the park was established;
  • do not present a threat to public safety or property; and
  • do not unduly interfere with normal park operations (including historic preservation maintenance work), resource protection, or visitor use."

Not all wedding requests we receive are for appropriate uses of park-managed resources; thus, some requests are denied. Others, by virtue of size and scope, would have significant impact on the quality of visitor experience and safety, or result in a derogation of the values and purposes for which the park was established.

In general, the following conditions apply for wedding ceremonies:

  1. The Mission Church is perfect for small wedding ceremonies. Limits are: 50 participants total.
  2. Due to limited parking, the number of vehicles allowed is limited to 15 total vehicles.
  3. No areas shall be closed to the public during the ceremony. Exclusive use of the area is not permitted. Weddings must take place during park operating hours.
  4. Areas normally closed to the public cannot be used, and certain sensitive resource zones cannot be used.
  5. Historic preservation work takes place during the summer months within and along the church. Scaffolding and other materials may be present and visible and will not be removed, adjusted, or altered for weddings. Winter, spring, and fall weddings would typically avoid scaffolding work.
  6. Music accompanying the event is limited to unamplified musical instruments.
  7. Flowers cut, potted, and/or artificial are allowed. However, laying of flower petals and throwing flower petals, rice, or other non-native material is prohibited.
  8. Travel to and from the site must be via established trails and roads.
  9. Post-event activities, such as receptions, are not permitted on park grounds. Wedding photos are considered part of the ceremony.
  10. Pecos NHP does not supply any equipment (for example, chairs) for weddings.
  11. Fires or open flames of any kind are not permitted. This prohibition includes candles.
  12. Participants are not permitted to take or consume food, drink, or tobacco in the church complex.
  13. An approved, signed copy of the permit must be in your possession before the ceremony.

Other stipulations may be added, depending on the specific nature of your request.

Permit Dates

Potential applicants should check with the park on availability of dates prior to submitting the application and non-refundable application fee. No Special Use Permit will be considered more than one year in advance.

For additional information, contact the park permit coordinator at (505) 757-7235.


Last updated: June 27, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Pecos National Historical Park
P.O. Box 418

Pecos, NM 87552


505 757-7241

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