
A black and white photo of ancient remains of an ancient building.
The 1717 Spanish Mission Church

NPS Photo

Each year, Pecos National Historical Park receives requests to use the Mission Church for wedding ceremonies.

These requests are reviewed in accordance with our Special Use Permit requirements. Not all wedding requests we receive are for appropriate uses of park-managed resources; thus, some requests are denied. Others, by virtue of size and scope, would have significant impact on the quality of visitor experience and safety, or impair the values and purposes for which the park was established.

Based on these considerations, the park has determined some general conditions for weddings; some key conditions are described below. Note that other stipulations may be added, based on the nature of your request.

When and where can weddings take place?

  • The Mission Church is the only approved location for wedding ceremonies. Note that exclusive use of this location is not permitted (i.e. areas may not be closed to the public during the ceremony).
  • A wedding can be scheduled for any time of year, provided that the ceremony takes place during the park's operating hours. Note, however, that the space is fully exposed to the elements.

How big can the wedding be?

  • Wedding ceremonies are limited to a maximum of 50 attendees.
  • Guests must park in the Upper Parking Lot; due to limited parking, attendees must arrive in no more than 15 vehicles. Attendees should be encouraged to carpool, if necessary.

What are the requirements for the ceremony?

  • Pecos NHP does not supply any equipment (e.g. chairs) for weddings.
  • The permittee may not disturb, alter, touch, or move historical or cultural features, artifacts or other objects found in the park, nor cut, clear, or remove any vegetation.
  • Flowers cut, potted, and/or artificial are allowed. However, laying of flower petals and/or throwing of flower petals, rice, confetti, seeds, balloons, or other non-native material is prohibited. All flowers or other items must be removed from the mission complex at the end of the ceremony.
  • Releasing of doves or other birds, or the use of any animals other than dogs, is not permitted. Dog owners must follow all park rules.
  • Fires or open flames of any kind (including candles) are not permitted.
  • Participants are not permitted to take or consume food or drink, or smoke tobacco, in the church complex.
  • All participants must stay on designated trails, paths, walkways, or floor structures, and vehicles must stay on established roads and parking lots. No one may stand on walls at any time, or attach anything to the walls.
  • The permittee can put out small rugs, a trellis, or archway within the Mission Church for the ceremony. Any items must be removed at the end of the ceremony.
  • Music is limited to unamplified musical instruments, and may only be played in the 30 minutes leading up to the event, during the ceremony, and up to 15 minutes after.
  • Post-event activities, such as receptions, are not permitted on park grounds. (Note that wedding photos are considered part of the ceremony, so are still permitted.)

What else is important to consider?

  • Wedding photos may only be taken in areas of the park that are open to the public. Any commercial photographers (no more than two) are restricted to the use of handheld equipment. More personnel and equipment would necessitate a separate permit for commercial photography.
  • Historic preservation work takes place during the summer within and along the church. Scaffolding and other materials may be present and visible and will not be removed, adjusted, or altered for weddings. Winter, spring, and fall weddings would typically avoid scaffolding work.
  • In the event of a natural disaster, significant weather event, or other circumstance which would require the closure of Pecos National Historical Park, the event must either be cancelled or rescheduled.

How do I apply for a wedding permit?

An approved, signed copy of a wedding permit must be in your possession before the ceremony.

All wedding requests must go through the Special Park Use Coordinator. It is recommended you contact them well in advance at or (505) 757-7213. They will then be able to confirm available dates, provide the permit application forms, and share any special conditions or considerations.

Note that no Special Use Permit will be considered more than one year in advance. For more information about the application process, see the Special Use Permits page.

Contact Information

For additional information, contact the park Special Use Permit Coordinator at or 505-757-7213.


Last updated: December 12, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Pecos National Historical Park
P.O. Box 418

Pecos, NM 87552


505 757-7241

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