The Histories of America's National Parks in the Southeast
The following historical summaries have been taken from various archeological overview and assessment reports prepared over the last few years by the Southeast Archeological Center with the support of the Regionwide Archeological Survey Program (RASP). RASP is part of a systemwide National Park Service initiative devoted to the systematic inventory of archeological sites on NPS lands, assessing the integrity and research potential of archeological sites through excavations, and preparing the various documents (archeological overview and assessment reports, survey reports, archeological base maps, National Register nominations, etc.) necessary for the effective protection and management of those resources.
Fort Pulaski
The following cultural overview is taken from an archeological overview and assessment report that was prepared for Fort Pulaski National Monument by the staff at the Southeast Archeological Center. As such, it is intended to serve as an essential base line document of historical data for the park.
Kennesaw Mountain
The following cultural overview is taken from an archeological overview and assessment report that was prepared for Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park by the staff at the Southeast Archeological Center. As such, it is intended to serve as an essential base line document of historical data for the park.
Moores Creek
The following cultural overview is taken from an archeological overview and assessment report that was prepared for Morres Creek National Battlefield Park by the staff at the Southeast Archeological Center. As such, it is intended to serve as an essential base line document of historical data for the park.
Ninety Six Historic Site
The following cultural overview is taken from an archeological overview and assessment report that was prepared for Ninety Six National Historic Site by the staff at the Southeast Archeological Center. As such, it is intended to serve as an essential base line document of historical data for the park.
Last updated: February 12, 2020