- How can I become a volunteer at the Southeast Archeological Center? Follow the link on the volunteers page for an application
- How can I become an employee at the Southeast Archeological Center or other National Park Service locations? All of our jobs are advertised on USAjobs.gov. You can search there and fillout the online application if a job is available.
- Can I use a metal detector or pick up artifacts in a National Park? It is a violation of federal law to collect, move, or disturb cultural items. They are a part of our shared heritage and should be left alone. What if you find an artifact? To read more about the law please follow the link to the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) page.
- What happens to the Artifacts after they are excavated at parks? Archeologists bring back the artifacts to our center in order to be processed and cataloged. After this the artifacts are curated. We store the artifacts at our climate-controlled facility in Tallahasee for parks without curation facilites. All artifacts belong to the parks they came from and can requested back anytime for research purposes and exhibits.
- How do we decide where to dig? It depends on the needs of the parks. We assist parks with compilance of Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Section 106 maindates archeological survey to assess the potential impact of cultural resources. This type of survey is done anytime parks need to develop an area. Section 110 involves taking inventory of what cultural resources exist in parks and what needs to be done to protect and preserve them.
- Do you find Dinosaurs? Archeologists only work with materials related to humans. Paleontologists are the scientists that work with dinosaur remains.
- Which parks do we work in?

Last updated: August 29, 2019