Archeological Investigations, Compliance, and Evaluation (AICE) Program
The AICE program oversees most of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 and 110 related archeological investigations for the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC). AICE provides leadership and expertise for complying with archeological site inventory, compliance, development, and management of SEAC’s archeological geographic information systems (GIS), in addition to providing Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) crime scene investigations and training.
Archeological Collections and Information Management (ACIM) Program
The ACIM program manages artifacts and archeological project documents for more than 60 parks in the National Park Service’s Southeast Region. With more than 9 million artifacts and archival documents in SEAC's archeological collection, ACIM aims to preserve and protect the collections in our care, making them available for research whenever possible. ACIM's practices are guided by the NPS Museum Management Program.
Archeological Landscapes, Technical Assistance Service, and Contracts (ALTASC) Program
The ALTASC program at SEAC seeks to preserve the nation’s archeological resources for the benefit of the American people. ALTASC assists federal, state, and local agencies to protect and preserve archeological sites and inform the public on the cultural heritage contained within them. ALTASC also assists the National Park Service's Southeast Regional National Historic Landmarks (NHL) program for archeological sites, providing guidance to parks and the public in the nomination and condition assessments of archeological sites identified as NHLs.
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and Applied Sciences Program
The NAS program is responsible for managing and directing the NAGPRA program of the Southeast Region of the NPS. The NAS program provides technical assistance and advises park management, museum specialists, and law enforcement officers on numerous Native American issues such as repatriation, the protection of sacred sites, and compliance with NHPA, ARPA, and other laws. Additionally, NAS coordinates consultations between government agencies and federally recognized tribes to further implement repatriation agreements and NAGPRA Plans of Action.
Public Outreach
The Public Outreach program actively promotes public interpretation and awareness of our rich archeological and cultural heritage. The Center's outreach activities engage students, local communities, and the greater public at annual events and festivals. Staff members are actively engaged at park, regional, and national levels in coordinating archeological resources interpretation standards, development, and training. Further, SEAC participates in the NPS Teacher-Ranger-Teacher (TRT) Program which promotes archeological and cultural heritage appreciation, development of curriculum based lesson plans, and provides training for local teachers.
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Archeological ServicesLast updated: December 12, 2023